Dear Recruiter, I will be graduating from Walden University on May 17, 2015 with my Family Nurse Practitioner degree. June 8, 9,& 10 I will be taking a refresher course to help with Indiana State boards, and will be taking this test the end of June, 2015 and will hopefully be board-certified with the AANP. Although I will be a new Nurse Practitioner, I have had 6+ years as a Registered Nurse in the hospital setting. I am excited to start a new career path in the health care field. Please see my attached resume for more information about what kind of nursing experience I have. I can be easily reached via phone at (812) 239-6442 for any other questions. I hope to hear from you soon! Sincerely, Shanna L. White R.N., B.S.N.