Accomplishments Strategy and Leadership: Increased revenue 480% while holding profit margins steady over four years. Envisioned need for expansion and negotiated $2.5M in financing for new production site. (Service/Sunbelt) Start-Up Expertise: Grew new company from zero to $11M revenue in two years. Led all process and policy development as a founding executive. (Craftmade Homes) Strategic Turnaround Manager: Accomplished complete corporate turnaround in 15 months, taking company from $2M loss in first year to breakeven. Avoided corporate closure. (Ameridoor) P & L: Increased sales revenue $6M and grew prospect list 50% over two years during period of significant market decline through restructure and realignment. (Ameridoor) Cost Reduction Initiatives: Saved a total of $608K annually in combined costs by closing four plants to consolidate production, significantly increasing efficiency. (Ameridoor)