I am a geophysicist and software developer with over 20 years experience in developing commercial software applications. I have a diverse background in geophysical exploration and related technology development. I am fluent in C++, Qt, STL, JAVA, C#, Open GL/Open Inventor. At present I am a senior consultant with BLUWARE, Inc on contract to ION Geophysical – a global E&P company providing seismic imaging technologies and services for the E&P industry where for the past three years I have developed a complete suite of well data and borehole geophysics support applications, including import, database management, filtering, display & a well log correlation tool*. Previous employment includes the research, design, development and implementation of: • Faulted framework application comprised of a fully sealed structural framework and automated fault block generation*. • Seismic curvature attributes application. • Complete geocellular volume support (import/export, visualization and characterization)*. • Stochastic Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) generator (C++, Qt, Open GL/ Open Inventor)*. • AVO forward modeling toolkit (JAVA)*. • Gravity gradiometry data merge application (C++)*. • Seismic tomography application including FFT based signal processing, discrete element modeling and simulated annealing (Neural Net) elements (C#). • 3D graphics interface for the Engineering Module of (RC) 2’s Antero product, including: spatial/temporal animation of attributes/simulation output, fence diagrams, streamlines simulation output w/ animation. (C++, Qt, OpenGL)*. • Surface modeling technology (C++) and GUI applications (JAVA) including cross section, map view, well log, and log correlation for a client-server environment*. • Airspace De-confliction Segment of a large software re-engineering project for the Air Force*. • Modeling, sensitivity analysis, and 3D visualization software for tensor field gravity gradiometry data*. *: Principal/Sole Developer A slideshow of screen shots depicting some of my work over that last few years is available at DropBox: Sincerely, Bruce A Hargan Bruce A. Hargan

