ETHEL JOY MONGADO ALVAREZ 158 A. Curato St. Cabadbaran, Agusan del Norte 8605 Contact No.: +639481269601 Email Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ PERSONAL DATA Place of Birth: Cabadbaran, Agusan del Norte Date of Birth : March 02, 1982 Age: 33 years old Civil Status: Married Citizenship: Filipino Height: 5’00” EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Butuan Doctors’ College School Year Graduated: 2001-2004 Northern Mindao College Of Arts and Sciences( NMCAST) School Year Graduated: 1996-1999 North Cabadbaran Central ElementarySchool (N-CACES) School Year Graduated: 1991-1996 Areas of Medical Technology Hematology Perform the following: - Phlebotomy o Patient management o Specimen collection and handling Blood collection - Complete Blood count - Reticulocyte count - Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate - Arterial puncture for Blood Gas - Coagulation study - Daily Quality Control using 3 level of control specimen - Participate in annual External Quality Control Scheme Equipment/ Machine Used: - Cell Dyne Ruby (Abbott) hematology analyzer, Sysmex hematology analyzer, ACL 700 (coagulation), Stago( Coagulation), Clinical Chemistry Perform the following: - Centrifugation of blood samples - Electrolyte Analysis-, FBS , Lipid Profile, AST. ALT, Blood Uric acid, Creatinine, Blood Urea Nitrogen, Alkaline Phosphatase, Total Protein, Albumin, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Total Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin, Troponin T, Troponin I, CK-MB, Amylase, NGAL, Arterial blood gas analysis - Daily Quality Control using 2 level of control specimen - Participate in annual External Quality control Scheme Equipment/ Machine Used: - Architect plus ci4000 , BS Chemisty Analyzer(Mindray), SpotChem(electrolytes), I stat (electrolytes and Blood gas analysis, Optilion (electrolytes), Cobas (Troponin T and CK-MB), Gem(Blood Gas analysis) Drew (HbgA1c) Clinical Microscopy: Perform the following: - Urine physical, chemical and microscopic examination - Semenalysis - Fluid analysis Blood Banking Perform the following: - Compatibility testing, Blood typing (reverse and forward), Weak D test, Direct Antiglobulin Test, Indirect Antiglobulin test, Donor Screening, Blood preparation and screening, Bloodletting activity, Blood storing. Equipment/Machine Used: - Diamed Gel Technology, Presvac centrifuge Immunology-Serology Perform the following: - Hepatitis profile (HBsAg, HBsAB,HBeAg, HBeAB, HBcAB, HCV,HAV) - Test for Syphilis, HIV, ASO, RF, CRP - Tumor Markers – CEA, PSA, CA125 - Thyroid Panel- T3, T4, TSH, FTi, T uptake Equipment/Machine used: - Architect (abbott), Axsym (Abbott), Access (BD) Microbiology Perform the following: - Culture and sensitivity test - Gram staining, AFB Staining, Agar preparation - Microscopic examination of stained slides, stool, skin scrapings Equipment/Machine used: Vitek2, Mini API, BBL Crystal Histopathology Perform the following: - Specimen verification - Tissue processing - Staining - Cutting Equipment/ Machine used: - Rotary microtome WORKING EXPERIENCE/ EMPLOYMENT Medical Technologist Manuel J. Santos Hospital Montilla Boulevard, Butuan City March 2012- present Tel.No.085 341 2222 local 136 REFERENCES: Edgardo B. Abadiano, MD, FPSP Pathologist Manuel J. Santos Hospital Contact No.(+63) 09177173357 Lani B. Barredo Laboratory Manager Manuel J.Santos Hospital Contact No.(+63) 09164380935 Rhodora Galdo, RMT, AMT. ASCP Laboratory Consultant Contact No. (+63)09209257688