C H E R R Y C. W I L L I A M S 698 Crescent Street, Apt. 3, Brooklyn, NY 11208 •Phone: 917-603-5914 •Email: SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS: • Proven ability to successfully lead multiple projects simultaneously. • Maintains the ability to complete assigned tasks independently or in a campaign to reach company milestones. • Skillful, dedicated career oriented professional with extensive experience in the coordinating, planning, and support of daily operational and administrative functions. E D U C A T I O N: Metropolitan College of New York New York, NY MPA (Master of Public Administration) in Public Affairs and Administration Graduated, spring 2012 BA (Bachelor of Arts) in Human Services Graduated, spring 2004 S K I L L S / T R A I N I N G: • Microsoft Office Suite: Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access, Quick Books, Outlook • Internet •DHS/CARES Training • Research •Type 75 wpm with complete accuracy •Knowledge of medical terminology and 12-Step Program. P R O F E S S I O N A L E X P E R I E N C E: Abbott House NY 10453 11/2014 - Present Waiver Service Provider: • Work together with family/caregivers to meet the needs of the child/family. • Communicate with WSP coordinator and Health Care Integrators to ensure documentation and services are being delivered accordingly. FEGS Case Manager Supervisor: New York, NY 06/2014-03/2015 • Ensures compliance with Department of Homeless Services (DHS) contract regulations as it pertains to social services Manage the quality of services through case conferences, case consultation, and case record review to ensure a high standard of services to families • Performs and administers difficult professional work in the preparation and administration of agency budgets and the conduct of economic research • Meet monthly intake goals established by supervisory staff. Enter screening/assessment, intake information, and progress hearing into program database Grand Concourse Family Residence Bronx, NY 06/2013-06/2014 Case Manager Supervisor: • Supervise social services staff and coordinates necessary training • Provide holistic customer service representative, customer support, customer care, event manager, event planning, event coordinator, conference coordinator. Provide culturally-competent services in accordance with CASES policies and practice • Provide all required documentation in a timely manner, which may include client’s follow-up, outcome evaluation, client’s interaction with ILP report and reporting directly to DHS. ResCare Workforce Services Brooklyn, NY 11/2007–12/2012 Program Coordinator: • Assisted participants in the development, implementation, and completion of wellness plans; assisted participants in applying for federal disability benefits and obtaining awards • Coordinate with other units on outreach and messaging • Create a system for maintaining and organizing outreach materials. Association w/ Helping Mental Retarded Children New York, NY 03/2005-10/2011 Residential Assistant Supervisor: • Provided training and supervision to staff in all areas of daily living including but not limited to; self-care skills, meal preparation, household chores, money management and travel training. • Prepared itineraries, made travel arrangements, retrieved, updated and added information to company databases utilizing communication tools. Women in Need Homeless Family Program Brooklyn, NY 11/2002-04/2005 Counselor: • Provided over five years intensive case management to children/families with homeless, victims of domestic violence, and intimidated witness until clients become self-sufficient. • Counseled, developed service plans for a case-loads of 50 children. Updated and maintained par-provider reimbursement information containing confidential patient information in excel database.

