Qualifications - B. Tech in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (major), Management (minor), Indian Institute of Technology, Madras), 2009 - Andhra Pradesh State Board Of Intermediate Education, SVSR & MM Junior College, 2005 Review and comment/approval of technical documents related to various offshore installations such as moorings FPSO Installations Floatover installations (mating analysis procedures ballasting calculations mooring stability motions strength checks out fitting design etc) Lifting Transportation Seafastening Lifting and Stowage onto HLV's Lashing analyses related to loadout of jackets and topsides by trailers skidding by winches or strand jacks etc analyses related to installation of jackets and topsides (lifting launching upending and floatation on bottom stability etc.) Technical review of Method Statement of heavy project cargo movement including lashing calculations for road transport on trailers as per MSC.1/ Circular No. 1497 dated 16th December 2014 "IMO/ILO/UCEC Code of practice for packing of Cargo transport units" (CTU Code) and sea transport on board Heavy Lift as Vessel per IMO Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing. Approval and witnessing various activities such as floatover/mating float-on of jack ups on HLV's for transportation Suitability of Barges Towing Transportation load out load off Lifting pipelaying securing for road transportation etc as Marine Warranty Surveyor. Experienced in using numerous computer software (MOSES Orcaflex Offpipe Sacs Ansys Autocad Excel) and in-house spread sheets for offshore engineering analysis and investigation. 3D The major projects worked on are as follows: Inclining Test for Bulk Carriers. Attended onboard two vessels to conduct inclining experiments. Motion analysis and Bollard pull estimation of transportation barge. Modeled and meshed underwater portion of the barge in Ansys and then obtained Surge, Sway, Heave, Roll, Pitch and Yaw motion RAO's for the barge in head sea, beam sea conditions using in- house software. Frictional, wave and wind resistance that act on the barge were calculated based on the wind, wave and current data to estimate the required bollard pull. In-place analysis of Jacket Modeled Jacket in SACS. All the applicable loads including wind, wave and current were considered. Applicable load cases are simulated. Linear Static analysis was carried out. Global Strength Analysis of LCU The ship was modeled and meshed in Ansys 12.0 (using shell elements for plates and beam elements for stiffeners). Using IRS naval rules, Direct Strength, free vibration and lashing analysis of the ship is being carried out. The results are being analyzed using Ansys 12.0 post processor. Structural Analysis of Heli-Deck of AOPV (Advanced Offshore Patrol Vessel) Modeled the heli-deck using ANSYS12.0 (using shell elements for plates and beam elements for stiffeners). The weight of the other equipment of the deck was imposed using mass elements. The impact loads calculated in accordance with ABS rules were applied on the deck.Necessary boundary conditions were applied and the static analysis was carried out using ANSYS 12.0. The strength of the deck was assessed using these results. Global Structural Analysis of LCU (Landing Craft Utility) vessel Modeled the vessel (using shell elements for plates and beam elements for stiffeners) and meshed it in Ansys 12.0. Direct Strength, free vibration Analysis, lashing analysis of the ship was carried out in accordance with IRS Naval rules. Scantling changes were recommended. Weight Distribution, Longitudinal Strength calculations were also performed. solid model of retainer ring with damage was modeled and meshed in ANSYS. Analysis was done on this model with the necessary boundary conditions and input loads provided by RIL. Deflection contour and Stress contours were obtained for the damaged portion and the reliability of the ring at the damage portion was verified.


Job Skills
