Career Summary Business consultant, entrepreneur, and shareholder in select companies for over 27 years. An "implementation specialist" in strategic business planning, business development, organizational transformation, strategic Marketising, new product and new technology research, development and commercialization. Travels encompass over 150 organizational assessments with direct involvement in over 50 different industry segments. Impetus is always on "creative solutions" while preserving the unique drivers upon which an organization has been built. Synthesis (infused by strategic vision) yields exponential or logarithmic results versus a single-minded analytical approach. Vision is paramount as a catalyst in moving organizations to their desired level of play. Executive Summary Mr. Bourquin has over 25 years of business experience post graduate school. Since his first position of two years in government finance, then a short stint in the invention industry, Chris decisively ventured on his own to facilitate his intuitive desire to create and shape his own training and development process (consequently, the term Marketising). Chris has extensive travels in interactive strategic planning, new product and technology research, development, and commercialization, as well as C-Level responsibilities and activities. His approach to consulting, (or better put "facilitating") transformation is unique in that Mr. Bourquin (selectively) only works with a few clients in a given year versus the typical consulting firm approach of numerous projects with a multitude of people assigned to them. His investment in client companies is unprecedented in that once a client, always a client. Having overcome numerous professional and personal challenges over the past 25 years, Chris's personality and character (Myers-Briggs, Keirsey-Bates designation "ENFJ") has as its core traits of resilience and perseverance. With over 30 years of background in behavioral psychology and Meta physics, Chris infuses a rather unique energy and spectrum of skills in resolving issues and solving problems. As an ex-three-sport athlete, Chris is always in a comfort zone in meeting challenges head-on and creating impact-driven results. The following statement summarizes his firm belief: "You cannot teach what you have not experienced". Select Profiles of "Facilitating" Engagements Algae-based Bio Energy Company * Extensive research into marketplace and players * Early stages of Marketising Plan and Venture Capital packaging of Company and Technology * Comprise worldwide press releases for project milestones Dream Makers LLC * CEO and President of this company with five other partners. Spearhead the acquisition of intellectual property and positioning dynamics of IP portfolio in order to obtain placement of technology in the marketplace * Currently working with strategic partner selection and placement of patented technology P.A.T. Technologies LLC * Partner and Vice President of this IP-based company * All media correspondence and corporate identity packages * Patent on a football goal post named the Triad for all multi-use sports venues for high school, college, and professional games. Pro Football HOF field in Canton, Ohio houses our goalpost International OEM - Thermal Controls * Company assessment and packaging of financing proposal for strategic acquisition * Heavy emphasis on preparation of documentation for Due Diligence in financing process * Marketising dynamics housed within business development plans * Assessment of Trade Secret protection of technology versus conversion to IP-based Patent Auctioneers & Realtors * Company assessment of all associates and report to Board of Directors * Marketising plan development * Created and developed all marketing, sales, and public relations tools * Intellectual property strategy and acquisition of trademark * Produced, directed, and scripted company video presentation * Branding and positioning ideation and implementation International Media Packaging Manufacturer and Distributor * Branded the world's largest media packaging firm * Early assessment of new product development process Intellectual Property Law Firm * Intellectual property research and analysis / Litigation research and planning * Client based research and analysis * Created and developed all marketing communication tools New Products / New Technology Development / Course of Career * Intellectual property assessment of over 5,000 ideas, concepts, prototypes, technologies * Over 100 assessment sessions with individual inventors or company engineers-R&D groups * Equity-based or royalty participation assessment * Marketising process model development and implementation Casket Manufacturer / Spraying System Manufacture / OEM Industrial * Research and analysis for manufacturing process analysis and redesign * Branding and tag line development for positioning dynamics * Marketising plan assessment tied to Cycle Time analysis of manufacturing processes * Bottled Water Company * Strategic assessment of business model and implications of Trade Secret process * Marketing and sales research and analysis * Product branding and naming / Marketising plan Precision Machine Shop / CNC * Marketising plan with the creation and development of all marketing communication tools OEM Equipment Manufacturer / Rubber Recycling Technology * New technology development: planning, implementing, and designing for commercialization * Marketising and advertising plans / Strategic business planning * Federal, State, and Industry grant procurement / project management * Licensing dynamics / Intellectual property analysis and planning - Invalidate third party Patent * Corporate acquisition (M&A) aimed at product line extension / due diligence and Marketising * Discovery phase of IP litigation to invalidate current licensed patent * Spearhead DARPA grant procurement project and subsequent funding activities Telecommunications Provider / Internet Service Provider * Market research and analysis / New product/service development (concept to launch) * Regulatory issues and P.U.C.O. liaison in mediating regulatory compliance issues * Internet-based business development * Sales force training and development Electrical Contractors and Consulting Engineers / System Integrators * Definition and implementing of incoming management team responsibilities * Intellectual property assessment and portfolio development * Company and product branding and naming * Sales force training and deployment of consultative sales cycle based with System Integrator * Business plan outline and early preparation phases * Developed marketing and sales strategy for new business group * Developed all advertising pieces for new business group and other company-wide tools * Liaison for controls manufacturer and supplier through a cooperative marketing program * Established long-term marketing focus and activities to support strategy Real Estate Partnerships * Researched, prepared, and drafted two financing proposals for two separate partnerships * Market-driven documents for use in re-documenting existing mortgage and instrumental in obtaining refinancing of existing mortgage as well as new capital for the expansion of facilities * Liaison between client and financial institutions Industrial Supply Distributor * Conducted research and development activities in bringing a new product to market * Created and produced all marketing communication pieces for the company * Created and produced all new product introduction pieces and tools * Negotiated and documented contract manufacturing agreement Public Warehouse and Third-Party Provider of Transportation Logistics * Fill role as outside Director of Business Development * Developed and implemented strategic plan for profitable growth * Created and produced all marketing communication pieces * Re-designed accounting and marketing processes to meet customer expectations * Designed and produced all benchmarking pieces for customer feedback * Derivation and implementation of Strategic Marketising plans * Strategic business development process analysis / redesign * Marketing and sales process analysis and redesign * Psycho-dynamic-based Marketising * Growth and expansion issues / Mergers & Acquisitions * Full service Ad Agency / Public Relations Firm / Thinktion� Tank * Corporate and brand positioning * Capital acquisition / Venture / Institutional / Private / Grants * Executive presentation preparation, planning and execution * Public / private speaking engagements for a multitude of topics * Trade Shows, Association Conferences, Regional-National-International * New markets (qualification of end user's needs via niche/gap analysis) * New products / new technology (from concept to launch) * New technologies (parallel apps and access to new R&D resources) * Market research and feasibility studies * Intellectual property portfolio positioning, leveraging, and deployment * Strategic alliances / Cooperative Marketising Programs * Licensing programs (strategic partnering, negotiation, and execution)

