Created, organizational performance and mission accomplishment of a 460 person command staff and 2100 person organization across 10 countries of East Africa with responsibility for Training, Security, Medical, Public Affairs, Translation, Marketing, Transportation, Logistics, Engineering, Construction, Data-mining, and Information Sharing. * Ensured alignment of all areas of the organization, including marketing, corporate outreach, program portfolio management, technology-enhanced learning, service operations, intelligence, logistics, finance and human resources. * Ensured appropriate resourcing to meet the US Government strategies for humanitarian assistance, well-drilling, construction of medical clinics and schools in the region, and education programs. Worked with US Embassies, multiple USG programs, partner nation executives and militaries to support the shared counter-terrorism mission in each country of the region. * Mentored personnel and provided documentation for hundreds of evaluations and awards presented for individual's work contributions and accomplishments. * Awarded performance excellence and corrected deficiencies using metrics, awards, evaluations and standards to mentor and motivate peers and subordinates for their career development. Led a diverse multicultural team in international settings for work as a part of diplomatic team. * Managed multiple tasks, deadlines, priorities and provide high quality work in a high op-tempo work environment. Experience working with international donor agencies UN, ACOTA, AMISOM, NATO and USAID. Responsible for financial budgets and accounting for monies using generally accepted accounting practices and following military regulations and federal fiscal laws. Responsible for forecasting and procurement of supplies and equipment to support overseas operations. Instructor for ACOTA multinational military staff peace keeping and peace support operations school in Kenya. * Command Historian: Prepared a historical summary of the structure, staffing, organization, mission and accomplishments, of CJTF-HOA to learn from successes, improve policy, processes, functions and organization and enable organization restructuring for improved mission capability and effectiveness. CEO and Governor cabinet level and intradepartmental synergy through strategy development and training events. Created a corporate business plan which includes operational plans quantifiable goals for sales and revenue generation. * Improved the UTNG national ranking in the Baldrige assessment seven places as compared to all 54 National Guard organizations. Strategic planning setting organizational direction creating and implementing innovative new program initiatives and advancing technology-enhanced learning. * Managed Continuous Process Improvement programs to include Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and Green Belt projects. Conducted organizational strategic assessments and managed exchanges with international partners. Experience organizational development. Managed multiple tasks deadlines priorities and detail to ensure high quality work. Assured the intelligence function of the Utah National Guard met legal and budget constraints. * Ensured constituents access to classified systems and databases. Provided intelligence systems and personnel to coordinate information sharing/activities across state and federal agencies. * Managed a full-time staff of four to process background investigations and reduced annual clearance investigation backlog from 1100 to a nominal number. Managed background investigations and clearance updates for 5600 personnel with the UTNG. Initiated a tracking database with integrated messaging to ensure reduced response times and accountability. Prepared a presented intelligence assessments for senior officers and planners Represented US government at international levels for program activities in Azerbaijan and Armenia. Negotiated continued international agreements to ensure an aggressive program posture. * Coordinated activities and implementation of Cooperative Threat Reduction Program under Weapons of Mass Destruction-Proliferation Program and Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP) and provided project oversight. EUCOM Established the first program office at the US Embassy in Morocco and initiated partnership activities. Advance regional and national strategy through program portfolio growth, innovation and strategic alliances. * Worked with the Ministry of Defense and the Moroccan General Staff to aid them to take ownership of the PEPFAR program, assisting Moroccan medical doctors with their initial AIDS reduction grant proposal and gained funding of $300K for an educational training program. Tracked the execution of expenses and expenditures to ensure following U.S. government contract and financial laws. Created collaborative relationship environment where activities increased to 35 annual exchanges within the first year. Led the top performing site within my region compared to 6 other active country program sites. * Hosted over 800 US military personnel in 35 separate visits annually from working level to general officer and senior diplomatic executives. Successes include: increased military exchanges, multiple annual exercises, and increased sales of US Military equipment such as a Moroccan $2.2 billion purchase of F-16s, HMWWVs and Artillery. Led exercise concept development conferences and negotiated scope and support agreements. * Provided oversight of medical exchanges and humanitarian assistance activities including supply procurement and logistics (Pharmaceuticals, Dental Care, Optometry Care and Emergency Surgery). * Annual humanitarian activities and medical exercises where 10,000 patients were treated in multiple remote villages of Northern Africa. Supported and influenced the local and national level government leaders to take ownership of the U.S. initiatives in Morocco in coordination with the Ministry of Health and Military Health Services and through contacts at the General officer level. * Developed job descriptions and performance metrics for newly created positions. Ability to lead and work as a part of a diverse multicultural team in international settings. * Experience working with international donor agencies UT Department of Health, CDC, WHO, Peace Corps, Millennium Challenge and USAID. Responsible for financial budgets and accounting for monies using generally accepted accounting practices and following military regulations and government fiscal laws. Directed and managed State Partnership Program activities of 14 national level partnerships in Eastern Europe Eurasia and Africa (Ukraine Romania Moldova Bulgaria Bosnia Albania Austria Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia Ghana Morocco South Africa and Tunisia). Established staffing requirements annual budget allocations program objectives metrics partnership lifecycle and program growth opportunities.


Job Skills
