AREAS OF EXPERTISE * Pharmaceutical expertise * Clinical and Customer Service * Point of Sales Experience * Drug Interactions * Merchandising * Laboratory Safety * Prescription Medication Prep * Data and Record Management * Drug Order Management * Pharmacy Operations * P&L Management * Inventory Management PROFILE Have a track record of success in areas of expertise with 21 years of experience in the Pharmaceutical field as a Pharmacist in Central America, Honduras, with a PhD in Pharmacy and Chemistry. Currently completing National Pharmacy Technician Certification. * Relocated and is lawful to work in the US. Working to complete the Pharmacist equivalency requirements. To gain experience in the US completed the Pharmacy Technician certification requirements to work in the State of Florida. * As a healthcare professional has a proven ability to build strong friendships with customer and patients and is Customer Service centric. * Experienced leader with a talent for motivating, working in teams, and delivering and exceeding Pharmacy's business objectives. Speaks 2 languages (English and Spanish).

Hondutrading Corporation | Insurance Representative | 2011 | Doctorate Degree |
Hondutrading Corporation | Insurance Representative | 2011 | Doctorate Degree |
the Universidad National Autonoma de Honduras | RTTP 321 Pharmacist | 1990 | Doctorate Degree |


Job Skills
