Joseph Tomas Andrade 36 James Street New Bedford, MA 02740 (508) 993-0059 (home) (508) 264-2016 (cell) (E-mail): newhorizoncounseling@ymail.com JosephAndrade461@yahoo.com Education: Cambridge College Cambridge, MA M.Ed., Counseling Psychology-(1/2004), L.M.H.C-(5/2007).#6283 NPI #1780758987 Special Skills and Abilities: Leadership, Management, Planning, Organizational, and Analytical Skills. Interpersonal and Counseling Skills, Internet Research, Microsoft Word, Excel/Spreadsheets, Access, Power Point. Bilingual - (Capeverdean-Crioulo, and Portuguese, with an understanding of Spanish). Ability to work independently, and as a Team Member. Recent Professional Experiences: 12/2011- 1/2015 Child & Family Services, Inc. Clinical Therapist Fee-for-Services New Bedford, MA Individual psychotherapy, child, adolescent, adult, geriatric, couples, and or family, diagnostic emergency treatment, psychological testing, and other services to client’s as assigned by the Supervisor, and Clinic Director. 7/2007- Present New Horizons Counseling Services. Private Practice New Bedford, MA Individual psychotherapy, couples, and or family, diagnostic emergency treatment, psychological testing, and other services to clients. Clients are seen on Saturday’s. 8/2007-11/2011 The Professional Counseling Center, Inc, Clinician Fee-for-Service New Bedford, MA Provide individual psychotherapy in a Nursing Home, and Rest Home Setting-(Chronic Mentally Ill Population). 2/2006-8/2007 Whitman Counseling Center-BAMSI Outreach Clinician Fee-for-Service Whitman, MA Individual psychotherapy, couples, and or family, diagnostic emergency treatment, psychological testing, and other services to clients as assigned by the Clinic Director. Also at the Champion Charter Public School of Brockton, providing school based counseling, and crisis intervention to 15-19 year old males, and female’s at-risk students. 1/2004-12/2005 Highpoint Treatment Center Outpatient Services. Outpatient Clinical Therapist New Bedford, MA Compliance with Federal Regulations, 42 CFR Parts 2. Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patients, and HIP AA Regulations. Provided psychotherapy to outpatient mental health, substance abuse, and dual diagnosed clients. Performed assessments, individual, family, and group treatment services as required. In conjunction with the Multi-Discipline Treatment Team. 2/2002-1/2004 May Institute - Community Rehab. Support Services Program Clinician New Bedford, MA Provided individuals in a community-based program with support services designed to promote self-confidence, independence, productivity, and integration within the community. Provided individual outpatient counseling for mental health, and substance abuse client’s. 1/2000-1/2002 City of New Bedford Councilor Elect, Ward –4 New Bedford, MA Chairman of Youth & Neighborhoods, Health, Housing, Elderly, and Veterans. Vice Chairman of Memorials, and Dedications Committee. Appointments and Briefings, Public Safety, City Property, Finances, and Ordinances. 8/1994-9/1999 Diocese of Fall River, Catholic Social Services ( New Bedford Area). Community Organizer/Basic Needs Coordinator - New Bedford Region. Gathered, and distributed information on community needs, and issues. Advocated on client's behalf for housing, transitional assistance, and legal services. Managed C.S.S. Food Pantry, and assisted with Queen of Peace Homeless Shelter. 1992-1994 Portals-Mental Health/Substance Rehab. Program Los Angeles, CA Residential Counselor Implemented a milieu therapy program to facilitate individual growth. Assisted residents with goal planning and independent living skills. Provided emergency crisis intervention & management services. Prepared timely case entries, participated in staff /community meetings. 1991-1992 West Los Angeles Methadone Rehabilitation Clinic Los Angeles, CA Maintenance Counselor Provided case management, counseling, and evaluations of outpatient clients. Maintained methadone treatment schedules for client case load for daily dosing. Certification’s and Training’s: American Mental Health Counselor's Association (2003-present). Massachusetts Mental Health Counselor's Association (2003-present). American Psychological Association (2003-present). Healthcare Providers Service Organization (2003-present). American Counseling Association (2003-present). Commonwealth of Mass. DMH/DMR and Mass. Dept. of Public Health Medication Administration Certificate. Heart Saver Adult/Pediatric C.P.R. Certificate. Standard First Aide Certificate. Certified Bi-lingual/Bi-Cultural Mental Health Assistant (Capeverdean-Crioulo, and Portuguese). Organizational Leadership Training (OLTC). Evaluation Strategies for DSM III & IV Diagnosis - Certificates. AIDS Training - Ongoing training. Counseling Issues with Vietnam Era Veterans - Workshop. Brockton Area Program - Psychopharmacology Training. Harvard Medical School - (Dept. of Continuing Education-Child Psychotherapy. (4/2008). Harvard Medical School - (Dept. of Continuing Education-School Mental Health Treating Students K-12. (1/2009). Harvard Medical School - (Dept. of Continuing Education- Treating the Addictions. (3/2009). Harvard Medical School - (Dept. of Continuing Education- Meditation and Psychotherapy (5/2010). Harvard Medical School - (Dept. of Continuing Education- Treating Young Adults to Early Adulthood (4/20013). Institute for Natural Resources (INR) - Alzheimer’s: Prevention of the Disease and, other Dementias (6/2010). Institute for Natural Resources (INR) - Creative Brain (6/2010). Coastline Elderly Services, Inc. – Complications Resulting from Falls- (4/2011). Homestead Schools, Inc. - Treating Bipolar Disorder- (5/2011). Homestead Schools, Inc. - Anxiety and Depression- (6/2011). New Bedford Rotary Club – (6/2014). Brockton Rotary- (2/2007). Harvard Medical School – (Dept. of Continuing Education- Addictions 2015 (5/2015). NetCE Continuing Education #7772 Ethics for Counselors- (6/2015). ASIST- Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training- (1/2014). Ongoing Continuing Education, CEU’s, Seminars, Conferences, and Workshops. References Upon Request:

