20 years, Experience in Information Technology Consulting/Management/Training OF RELATED SKILLS: Director of clinical IT/Implementations Educational Coordinator/ Project Management for QCPR Provided consultation on training, designing, building, and customizing modules for 200-1600 hospital bed facilities to include * Pharmacy * Laboratory * Physician Order Entry * BCMA ( Nursing Med Admin Bar Code Med Admin) * Radiology * Meaningful Use Implementation * Clinical Pathways ( Workflows) * Nursing Database Specialist/Analyst * Responsible for maintaining and developing databases for the Laboratory Pharmacy Nursing Physician order entry Ancillary modules * Responsible for creating documents for databases * Training database maintenance classes * Trouble shooting database issues for marketing * Consulting with installation Analyst on the installation workflow * Customizing Databases based on the customer's workflow Database Information/Coordinator * Responsible for maintaining database information * Responsible for creating reports for databases * Training database processing classes * Trouble shooting database issues for medical directors * Consulting with nursing departments concerning consensus of inpatient admittance databases FAMILY HEALTH PLAN Cerritos, CA/ 1987 - 1998 Utilization Review Analyst (Medical Assistant) Supervisor Victoria Russum (California) * Responsible for utilization review, customer service, preparation of out-side provider requests for submission to the medical director * Maintained Claims Coding Databases * Maintained Authorization for Claims databases * Coordinated medical record evaluations, (Audits) of services rendered * Maintained appointment scheduling for surgery databases * Maintained outside provider's contract negotiations for services under capitation databases Health Data sciences Corp/ Perse': (Barbara Hillock Manager) Provided consultation on training, designing, building, and customizing modules for 200-1600 hospital bed facilities to include * Pharmacy * Laboratory * Physician Order Entry * BCMA ( Nursing Med Admin Bar Code Med Admin) * Radiology * Meaningful Use Implementation * Clinical Pathways ( Workflows) * Nursing Database Specialist/Analyst * Responsible for maintaining and developing databases for the Laboratory Pharmacy Nursing Physician order entry Ancillary modules * Responsible for creating documents for databases * Training database maintenance classes * Trouble shooting database issues for marketing * Consulting with installation Analyst on the installation workflow * Customizing Databases based on the customer's workflow

Jacobi Medical Center | Psychology (Pillar College and Radiology modules for Health and Hospital Corporation | 2017 | Bachelor Degree |


Job Skills
