As instrumentation and controls engineer with a superior background in the nuclear power industry, it is with great excitement that I submit my resume for consideration to become a member of your team. In addition to my formal education and training, my 39-year history of hands-on experiences makes me an excellent match for the unique demands of this opportunity. In each of my professional roles, I have been successful in producing positive results and I have a consistent history of advancing shared company goals. Please review the following examples from my resume, which outline the many strengths I can leverage to advance proposed mission. • Extensive expertise in nuclear power plant instrumentation and control (I&C) systems, process monitoring and emergency, nuclear instrumentation, nuclear reactor control and protection, radiation monitoring, uncertainty calculation, and industrial process control and automation. • Edited, designed, and created additional drawings for the Power Range Neutron Monitoring System monitoring package to reflect new design features; designed and developed diagrams indicating MCR and Plant Simulator modifications and Fiber Optic cable routing and interconnection drawings. • Utilized Westinghouse NSSS setpoint/ scaling calculations and administrative procedures to review, evaluate, and analyze Point Beach Nuclear Plant setpoint and scaling calculations; revised and established new surveillance and calibration protocols, plant operating procedures, design basis and other plant documents. My resume provides further detail on my talent for team collaboration and passion for problem solving; it is my goal to apply these skills to the progress of a growing company. I look forward to setting up a meeting to discuss in greater detail how I can benefit your organization. In the interim, thank you for reviewing this letter and the attached material.

