My name is Cheryl Pastor Plaza, 39 years old, married and residing at 140-A E.R Ochoa Avenue, Butuan City, Philippines. I graduated as Bachelor of Science in nursing on March 1996 at Father Saturnino Urios University, Butuan City. At the same year I passed the Integrated Licensure Examination of Nursing with the rating of 80.40%.I also finished my master degree in this same University as Master of Arts in Nursing on October 2009. Moreover, I took the Commission of Foreign Nursing School ( GFNS ) exam on July 14, 2004 with a result of 504. I also passed the National Council Licensure Examiation for Registerd Nurse (NCLEX-RN) in Philippines on Wendesday 20, 2008 with a grade of passed with NCLEX ID no. 21054825 and registration no. 223413875. I started to practice my profession as an observer for one month at D. O. Plaza Memorial Hospital, then I was absorb as staff nurse on February 3, 1997, and promoted to nurse II. For sixteen(17) years of my profession, I exposed to different nursing department in the hospital such as the emergency department, operating room and delivery room, Intensive Care Unit, obstetric ward, medical and surgical ward, which enhanced and developed my skill to be a competent clinician in my field. As designated as an area supervisor in a respective ward, I have strong knowledge of development and management of the staff, patient care programs, demonstrated communication skills, interpersonal skills, and leadership skills. On the otherhand, I also engage in teaching profession at Southway College, San Francisco, Agusan del Sur, Philippines, in the nursing faculty as classroom lecturer for 5 years. I also engaged as a lecturer and speaker in a certain seminars. That, those experience sharpen my communication skills, develop a passion in imparting knowledge and information Based on my experiences I am prepared to handle matters within the scope of my profession. If given a chance I will give my very best to be an asset to my Institution. I would be glad in you provide me an opportunity to discuss the position, my experience, skills and qualifications with you personally.
