I am available for consulting engagements. My goal is to meet the client’s needs, by applying the right tools from my four skill sets: Finance solutions: Financial planning and analysis (FP&A), including business systems analysis, budgets and forecasts, complex ad hoc modeling requiring insight and business-case savvy Cost accounting expert, including cost rolls, cost reduction plans, material control and logistics knowledge-set, target costing, new product introductions Process improvement solutions: Lean implementation (Toyota Production System), to build rock-solid internal processes Six Sigma projects tapping the power of data to improve financial results in key, difficult-to-improve transactional processes; transactional Six Sigma projects to improve back-office and Finance processes I am genuinely passionate about how business and technology are inventing the smart civilization of the future. Exciting and lucrative business models are emerging, as Big Data and the Internet of Things give us new ways to simultaneously lower costs while increasing performance.

