• 7+ years of experience in developing Software Solutions based on Java and J2EE platform including different frameworks. • Experience in development methodologies such as Agile, Test Driven Development and Waterfall. • Expertise in Object Oriented Analysis, Design / Development Methodologies, Use Cases, Sequence and Class Diagrams using UML with Rational Rose. • Excellent proficiency in Core Java concepts such as Collections, Generics, Multi-Threading, Serialization, File I/O. • Worked on Spring Core, Spring ORM, Spring DAO, and Spring MVC architectures. • Experience in Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Struts and Hibernate. • Experience in usage of ORM (Hibernate) in Spring framework. • Savvy in front-end technologies like JSP, JSTL, Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS. • Expertise in building configuration files on various frameworks such as Spring, Struts, and Hibernate. • Proficient in using different IDEs like Eclipse, Net Beans, IBM RAD and My Eclipse Blue. • Extensive Experience in working with various databases like Oracle, SQL Server, and My SQL. • Strong experience in deployment and configuration of application servers IBM Web sphere, JBOSS, Apache and Tomcat. • Good experience in debugging, testing and providing maintenance support for the applications. • Very strong experience designing web based application which supports cross browser requirements for IE 7/8/9, Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome.


- JavaJDK (1.4/1.5/1.6/1.7)
- J2EE TechnologiesJDBC, Servlets, JSP
- FrameworksStruts (1.x, 2.0), Hibernate (2.0/3.0/4.0), Spring (2.x/3.0/4.0)
- Web TechnologiesHTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, AJAX, jQuery, JSTL, Bootstrap
- Web / Application ServersTomcat (5/6), IBM Web Sphere (7/8), Web Logic 10.x, JBoss 5, Glassfish
- Development ToolsEclipse, My Eclipse, Net Beans, IBM RAD
- Build ToolsANT, MAVEN