Accomplishments * Created & marketed individual Psychotherapy practice, focused on relationship health through individual behavior. Richelle Y. Easley, LCSW (private practice) * Facilitated multiple services for dropout prevention program. Successfully navigated "the system" in order to keep students in class. Orchestrated mentoring program for students through interns, volunteers, and AmeriCorps members, overcoming challenges to achieve success. Communities In Schools of Central Texas * Collaborated with parents, school counselors, psychologists, and school principals to develop tailored programs for special education services. Provided parents with information regarding their rights in regards to reasonable accommodations for their children. Richelle Y. Easley, LCSW (private practice) Career Highlights Clinical Social Worker, Child and Family Therapist, Richelle Y. Easley, LCSW, Austin, Texas 2014-present 1998-2004 Private Practice Child and Family Therapist Providence Service Corporation, Austin, Texas 2014 - present * Established private psychotherapy practice. Recruited clients developed professional contacts including attorneys and physicians. * Recognized expert witness in family court cases with Child Protective Services, divorces, child custody and visitation for non-custodial parent. * Developed billing system and authorization process for fee for service and insurance claim clients ensuring prior authorization and revenue. * Cultivated relationships with area pediatricians and psychiatrists. Prepared reports and provisional diagnoses to medical doctors and psychiatrists. Program Manager, Communities in Schools of Central Texas, Austin, Texas 2010 - 2013 * Created dropout prevention program for elementary school in low-income neighborhood. Developed relationships with families through home visits, assessing their needs and becoming a resource for them. * Developed and facilitated dual language parenting program for parents of preschoolers. Presented curriculum teaching parents how to prepare their preschoolers for school. Encouraged parents to stay in contact outside of group meetings. Provided incentives for attendance and participation resulting in 80% of participants achieving perfect attendance. * Established training/internship programs in collaboration with local university social work programs. Assigned interns responsibilities addressing the school's need for tutoring programs in reading and math. Classroom teachers reported reading and math abilities increased. * Implemented after school social skills groups program with AmeriCorps members facilitating providing underserved students the ability to participate and experience new activities. Increased student's world view and opened up different possibilities for future educational and career goals. * Crafted a program to address families' basic needs. Ordered monthly from capital area food bank. Assessed individual needs of families and allocated resources based on family size, other resources received and employment status of parents. * Introduced the Girl Scout program to students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade. Facilitated group and individual sales of cookies. Taught girls to document and keep track of their sales and money received. Increased confidence in students resulting in improved social, academic, and economic outlook on life. * Implemented individual therapy program for students facing challenges at school and home. Students assigned intern or AmeriCorps member for weekly meetings during lunch creating a bond with an objective listener who could identify additional social services needs. * Managed a set budget funded by the school district and other community agencies. Maintained accurate records and produced extensive reports accounting for expenditures with no loss of funds. * Maintained a database of over 100 students receiving services through the program. Recorded progress in grades, classroom behavior, and social skills. Developed individualized programs for future success and provided recommendations on need for continued support in future school year. * Developed a yearly summer camp for 6-12 students. Arranged field trips to museums, swimming activities, environmental camps. Students received individual attention from volunteers and AmeriCorps members. * Implemented classroom monitoring schedule tailored to classroom behavior and student academic needs. Class monitors and mentors provided one on one assistance resulting in improved behavior and academic success.


- Counseling
- mood disorders
- eating disorders
- parenting
- outpatient0
- Accounting
- Billing
- Custody
- Facilitator
- Microsoft Outlook
- Program Manager
- Accounting
- Billing
- Custody
- Facilitator
- Focus
- Insurance
- Microsoft Outlook
- Program Manager
- behavioral therapy
- special needs children
- trauma therapy
- Health insurance
- Medicaid