SUMMARY: High Caliber and highly focused Electrical Engineer with over 40 years experience, encompassing program management of design and construction efforts of power transmission and distribution systems (120V through 500 KV) with an emphasis on safety training, energy management and conservation, demand side management, power contracts, smart grid, substations, power distribution, design, field construction, and coordination between clients and design teams. A highly successful designer of electrical power distribution, electrical modifications, and construction of installations. An accomplished energy manager, communicator, and liaison at all levels, trainer and instructor with superb public relations and interpersonal skills. PROGRAM MANAGER/VP ENGINEERING/ENGINEERING MANAGER/PROJECT MANAGER 7 years as electrical design engineer, 10 years as Electrical Project Manager 7 years as VP engineering /Manager of Engineering, and 12 years as ELECTRICAL PROGRAM MANAGER. Planning/Reliability Engineer/Project Engineer Eleven years with Electrical Cooperatives. Performed the following: Complete long range (4 yr & 10 yr) planning for Transmission Lines, Distribution Substations, Distribution Circuits, and Associated Switching/Coordination Devices. Coordinated construction. Prepared financial forecast to justify expenditures. Performed presentations (written and oral) to large power users on items of interest to their budget (s) with emphasis on Energy Management/Demand Side Management Electrical Engineer Designed and constructed the Boeing Defense and Space Company electrical requirement for the Huntsville Jetplex MSFC High Bay building and Space Lab in Alabama including construction of electrical changes and modifications upon completion. This included surveillance protection system, interfaces, and specifications for generators, transformers, substations, panel boards, power distribution, transmission lines, switchboards, motor control, secondary breakers, light fixtures, and motor control centers. Energy PROGRAM MANAGER Prepared scope (s) for numerous design efforts relating to Energy management, negotiated contracts and managed efforts of design sub-consultants, Managed programming an Energy Management Computer System, with emphasis on demand side management, high-bay lighting, lighting controls, motors, contracts, chiller scheduling, PF improvement, and performing energy audits relating to energy bills, contracts, lighting, motors, HVAC loads, etc. Additionally, extensive contract negotiations with the power supplier (TVA). with NASA energy management. (Stennis Space Center)


Job Skills
