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Maureen B

Education Teacher - 20 Years of Experience


Education Teacher

Education Level:


Will Relocate:



I am a Connecticut Certified Special Education Teacher with a Master of Arts Special Education degree. I received my Master of Arts Special Education Degree from Assumption College, Worcester, MA. After twenty-six years of teaching in the public school system, I retired in June 2014 to pursue my passion in advocating for children with disabilities and special needs. I served as a Special Education Teacher and Case Manager for students with various special education needs. I was highly successful at planning, writing, and implementing appropriate programs designed to secure a free, appropriate, public education for children in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004). I am a strong and diligent advocate for students and their families. I am resolute in the pursuit of matching the students’ needs and learning styles with the appropriate educational programs to increase their educational success. I work equally as hard to assist students’ families in understanding their child’s programs and the resources available to them through the Planning and Placement Team process. I collaborate with colleagues in developing appropriate Individual Education Plans and am successful in identifying students’ strengths, weaknesses, and how to best support them in an educational environment. I believe that every child has the right to high-quality education and an equal opportunity to achieve his or her full academic potential. States, school districts, and schools have an obligation under federal and state law to ensure that each student receives an individualized education that prepares them for work, college, and participation in his or her chosen community. As a Special Education Advocate, I work with students, their families, and the school district in order to obtain an appropriate and individualized education for students . My knowledge and expertise of special education law and processes, learning disabilities, and assessment procedures assists me in obtaining appropriate evaluations and individualized services for a student. My mailing address is 101 Wagher Rd, Thompson CT 06255 and I can be contacted at MBolduc22@gmail.com or 508 735-0097.





