I am currently a Technical Sergeant for the United States Air Force Reserves (USAFR), with 3 years of experience in the reserves and 9 ½ years of Active Duty. I accepted my previous position of Human Resource Manager at Bright Star Care because of the emphasis on the organization development and labor relations. My experience in the USAFR and the civilian sector has afforded me the opportunity to become familiar with the consolidated and unconsolidated laws of the State of Florida. I also have extensive experience with over 8 years in human resource, finance management, physical training, information and security, business administration and policy research. In response to your search, I believe my experience and skills qualify me for consideration. To further acquaint you with the specifics of my background I am enclosing my resume. I hope you will consider me for a position that is open. I look forward to meeting with you and discussing my qualifications in more detail.

