Occupation:Chief Operations Officer |
Location:Riverview, FL |
Education Level:Master |
Will Relocate:YES |
To join an organization that I can exercise my leadership and management skills in an ever-changing, dynamic environment. Operations is cornerstone of my diverse experience and training which makes me adaptable to most any Operations Director or Manager position. * Directs and receives/reviews all MP investigation reports * Plans, coordinates, and conducts MP operations at Camp Grayling, MI, as required. * Plans, prepares and conducts Civil Disturbance Operations Review and Evaluations. 177TH REGIMENT (RTI) - Captain Jul 2009 - Feb 2012 Headquarter/Headquarters Detachment (HHD) Commander * Provide direction, management, and leadership to the 98 Soldiers attached to the HHD. * Administrator to the training needs of the HHD to include creating Training Schedules, supervise training, and provide staff support for two training Battalions within the Regiment. * Reestablished and managed the Regimental Operations Security (OPSEC) Program and received a rating of "Model Program" during the US Army accreditation process in 2011. * Conduct quarterly OPSEC Working Group meetings and had the RTI OPSEC program awarded "Best Practice" from several military school component accreditation teams.


Job Skills
