• Over 6 years of broad industry experience in data analysis and statistical inference. Design, development of Statistical models including data extraction and manipulation, writing macros and reporting on various projects for Financial, Banking, Insurance, Investment and Sales industries. • Proficient inSAS/BASE, SAS/STAT, SAS/ETS,SAS/SQL,SAS/MACROS, SAS/GRAPH, SAS/INSIGHTS, SAS/ASSIST, SAS/EG, SAS/EM, SAS/ODS and SAS/ACCESS. • Hands on experience in financial/economic modelling and analysis. • Handled large datasetsfor data extraction, transformationand applying business logic rules to incoming data. • Comprehensive skills in working with SAS/BASE, SAS/SQL and SAS/MACRO in Windows environments. • Skilled in merging SAS datasets, macro facility, preparing data, PROC step, producing reports, SAS formats, storing and managing data in SAS files. • Expertise in advanced SQL programming for joining multiple tables, sorting data, SQL views and indexes. • Generate new datasets from raw data files imported or modify existing datasets using SET, SET/SET, MERGE, MODIFY, UPDATE, SQL, APPEND and HASH. • Experienced in random sampling using SAS functions and PROC SURVEYSELECT. • Plentiful regression experience in Logit, Probit, Panel and Time-series. • Experienced in producing RTF, HTML and PDF files using SAS/ODS, well versed with creating HTML Reports for financial data using SAS ODS facility. • Extensive experience in programming, debugging and report generation in SAS. • Successfully using SAS Macro variables to improve efficiency and consistency of results. • Thorough experience in data extraction and sorting from various databases like Oracle, DB2 and MS Access • Solid understanding of statistical concepts and econometric techniques. Proficient use of various statistical procedures including PROC CONTENTS, PROC FREQ, PROC MEANS,PROC TABULATE,PROC GPLOT,PROC G3D, PROC BOXPLOT,PROC UNIVARIATE,PROC STDIZE, PROC MI, PROC CORR, PROC GLM, PROC ANOVA, PROC FACTOR, PROC PRINCOMP, PROC LOGISTIC, PROC CLUSTER, PROC VARCLUS, PROC TREEand other SAS/STAT or SAS/GRAPH procedures. • Comfortable with working under deadlines. • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills for task accomplishment.

