Hi, I would like to offer my expertise in order to make a valuable contribution to your company. With extensive experience in medical billing and knowledge of ICD-9, CM and CPT Coding, I have the capability to contribute effectively to your ongoing success. I possess a positive attitude and high degree of motivation that makes the duties associated with this position easy and fun to do. My knowledge of coding standards and the ability to carry out all processes in a time efficient manner dictate that I have what your company is looking for in terms of quality service. In addition, my experience of the medical billing world and its intricacies ensures that I bring all claims to fruition by making sure that my follow up procedures with providers are effective and smooth flow of operations at all times. Working in an environment which is conducive to high quality and customer satisfaction, and keeping in mind the policies and procedures put forth by the company, I’ve developed a skills set that is definitely superior to those of other contenders for this position. As I am into medical billing/coding industry it would be insightful to work and learn from the diligent associates and get to know the whole end to end process of the healthcare industry in close as well as get an opportunity to excel and grown in my career. My resume contains a detailed account of my experience and accomplishments in medical billing/coding. I would appreciate a meeting where we can discuss my expertise and your goals in detail. I am willing to relocate to US, hence looking for a job in US and a sponsor for H-1B Visa. Please feel free to contact me at (+91) 990-146-8540, I will be available all through the week. Referral - Sharon Kosman at +1(651)428-9097 Thank you for your time and consideration. Lavanya
