and shipped to the customer directly. Responsibilities include almost all aspects of automation to get the cell erected safely and functioning to required speed and tolerance to meet required cycle times. This includes erecting of the safety fence installation of gate switches all wiring EOAT installation light curtains etc. Primary responsibilities as a contractor to write TPP code on large scale system for NASA that utilized 1 Fanuc R-2000 robot to spray foam insulation on both the liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen fuel tanks to be used on the Orion Spacecraft. Primary focus on robot safety and re-homing in the event of maintenance or fault recovery. Being that the robot was mounted on a 15' foot arm with rotation as well as 300' of linear travel added a degree of complexity in programming by adding 2 external axes. Modified existing KAREL programs to allow for PC interface for operator control of robot and EOAT in a centralized location. Primary duties consisted of programming with Fanuc's simulation software RoboGuide which allows testing of programming off-line prior to implementation.


Job Skills
