HR, Uploaded is the requested resume. You will find I have 30 years in commercial space/defense/industrial electronics engineering with consulting electronics engineering (job shops), solar aircon system garage startup, and proposal writing for county (Lincoln enterprise zone and El Monte airport hangar). My experience in space, defense, avionics, and industrial electronics will help your existing/new product lines. My current project is a Xilinx Spartan/Virtex PLC/wireless router for a solar aircon system on a soft/hard IP (depending on low or highend application) processor using Linux. Skills are hardware (analog and digital), software (assembly, C, Linux bash scripting and system programming), and project management. I am currently looking for a contract or direct position for about 10 years before retirement. Please connect me at 6267976220/6263169309 or for experience that will accelerate your projects to their deadlines. BRanger