Hi, My name is Zoryana. Have 20 years of experience working as a Phlebotomist/CPT1/Medical Assistant/Nutrition Nurse Collect blood, processing, sending specimen to specialty, laboratory experience with high volume, delivering result to the doctors, appropriate interpersonal skills with the patients, physicians and other clients, have experience working with specialty laboratories. Went to UCLA medical school, got Phlebotomy/CPT1 License. Had a great experience to be train in UCLA Medical Hospital with all kind of patients, Cedars Sinai Medical Center Laboratory was working for 5 GI doctors and 2 Internal Medicine doctors. 7 years of experience in Holistic/Integrative Medicine office in Beverly Hills, IV Vitamin Cocktails. Care about patients, had experience working with VIP patients, great energy, intelligent, professional, accurate, healthy style life. Thank you. Regards, Zoryana Volos.
