RESUME SUMMARY RAYMOND MACDONALD SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE PATENTS PRT Vehicle and Guideway Switching System Design, Korean Patent Granted 1997. PRT Vehicle Locator Design On Guideway Using Bar Code, Korean Patent Applied 1995. PRT Redundant Emergency & Parking Brake Design, Korean Patent Applied For 1995. Responsible for evaluation of Bus-ways for SKYCAR PRT System. This is a high capacity PRT System designed to automatically operate three seat vehicles at 0.5" headways over an elevated lightweight guideway network. Responsible for Structural design of Guideways and Stations of new urban transport system. Responsible for Technical Development Design for SKYCAR PRT Personal Rapid Transit System for Urban Areas and Specialized Development Zones. Design of IntraAirport People Mover System for New Seoul International Airport Competition Design of New Main Terminal for New Seoul International Airport 199095 Louis Berger International, Inc. Guided Bus Systems Light Rail Monorail Medium Capacity Metro. This for the Southern California Regional Transportation District study of a 210 mile metro system in Los Angeles. Responsible for alternatives structural analysis, including conversion of Pacific Electric Railway to Metro/LRT. Project Engineer for design of the Interama Automated People Mover in Miami. Responsible for planning, coordination, cost estimating, structural design and contractor selection. was a fully automated monorail system linking two shopping centers together. Responsible for structural design of elevated monorail and stations.


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