For 4 years I Worked at P.D.V.S.A. in Charge of Engineering in Optimization, in the area of Exploration and Production Occidental in segregation Lakefive (Lagocinco). Managing Two Stations of Flow with 102 active oil wells with an associated production of 36,000 bbd. Utilizing artificial gas lift and natural gas as a lifting method to monitor using well head monitor(WHM) in real time. Simulated with the Pipesim package, having as an objective to obtain the curve of "Supply and demand", in order to produce at an optimum level and at low cost. Took control and Monitored the data base (Centinela, Mechanical Diagrams, Maps, Pipesim). . Lead Project of selecting candidates for injection of chemical demulsifying with a profit of 50 bnd. As a New Technology, I Implanted flow accelerators on the side of the well, with a profit of 100 bnd per well. I created a plan of contingency at my authority and I debug the total, continuously actualizing it.

