Occupation:Adult Literacy Instructor |
Location:Hartford, CT |
Education Level:Bachelor |
Will Relocate:YES |
Elementary Education Teacher prefer 3rd or forth grade


Job Skills


Mary E.J. Marino
113 Preston Street
Hartford, Connecticut 06114
(860) 296-5296
Objective: To obtain a teaching position in elementary education.
Education: Central Connecticut State University, New Britain CT
Connecticut Teacher Certification in Elementary Education K-6 (May 2007) Certificate Pending
Grade Point Average 3.47
Marist College, Poughkeepsie, New York
Bachelor of Arts – Political Science – Cum Laude, (May 1985)
Certificate – Paralegal Studies
Certificate – Public History
Certification: Connecticut Teacher Certification in Elementary Education K-6; Certification Pending
Teaching Experience:
North Street School Windsor Locks, CT (Spring 2007) - 2nd Grade Class
• Classroom Management:
o Home/school collaboration;
o Morning Meeting;
o Positive reinforcement, behavior charts, reset area;
• Lesson Plans:
o Utilized a variety of instructional resources including: technology, manipulatives, cooperative learning and the Arts.
o Met state curriculum standards;
o Taught computer technology in the lab;
o Reading: guided reading groups and Houghton Mifflin Literature;
o Math: Everyday Math;
o Science: inquiry based lessons;
o Spelling: Cast-A-Spell;
o Writing: Columbia Writers Program;
• Diverse Learners: accommodations included individual instruction and modified instruction;
• Assessment: Curriculum dictated by monitoring student achievement;
• Professional Growth: Attended all staff meetings and in-services;
o Attended training classes and taught using the Writers Workshop Model;
o Attended training classes and taught using the Readers Workshop Model;
o Attended workshops and participated in leveling and categorizing classroom reading materials;
o Attended training classes in classroom management and home school communication;
o Assisted in parent conferences;
o Assisted with evening programs such as the student faculty basket ball game and the spring concert;
Teacher Candidate:
Observed and tutored, taught small groups at:
North Street School Windsor Locks, CT (Fall 2006) 1st Grade Class
Moylan School, Hartford, CT (Spring 2006) 1st Grade Class
Steven’s School, Rocky Hill, CT (Fall 2005) 4th Grade Class
Jumoke School, Hartford, CT (Spring 2004) 4th Grade Class
Observed effective teaching strategies in a charter school
Teaching Experience:
Wethersfield Public School District, Wethersfield, CT (2002 – Present) Pre-K - 6th Grade
Substitute Teacher
Cedar Crest Catholic School, West Hartford, CT (2001-2002) K – 5th Grade
Computer Education Teacher
Related Experience:
Adventure Saturday’s Urban Youth Mentor Program – Co Founder and Mentor (1992 – 2007)
• Designed and implemented program to involve 25+ adult volunteers as mentors for 30+ inner city youngsters;
• Developed year long calendar of cultural, educational and recreational events;
• Recruited and supervised volunteers;
Work Experience:
FamilyMeds.Com, Farmington, Connecticut - Legal Assistant/Consultant (2000 – 2001)
Director Home Away From H.O.M.E. Summer Camp, Mt. Holly Vermont (1997 – 2006):
• Recruited to direct staff of five counselors serving 20 inner city youngsters from Hartford;
• Organized structured program of recreation and education, trained and supervised staff;
• Designed and implemented program for positive behavior;
Amenta/Emma Architects, P.C. Assistant Director of Client Services (1999 – 2000)
State Street Bank and Trust Company -Supervising Legal Assistant (1997 – 1999)
Edwards & Angel, Hartford, Connecticut - Supervising Legal Assistant (1997 – 1999)
CIGNA Companies, Bloomfield, Connecticut - Legal & Public Affairs & Broker Dealer (1988 – 1996)
Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, Hartford, CT Legal & Public Affairs (1985 – 1988)
Professional Associations:
Connecticut Education Association, Hartford, CT
The Eric Carl Museum Of Story Book Art, Amherst, MA
Professional Development:
“Connecticut Education Association 11th Annual New Teacher Conference” Foxwoods Resort & Casino, Uncasville, CT (March 2007)
Home/School Collaboration Training – based on: Transforming The Difficult Child, by Howard Glasser, MA North Street School, Windsor Locks, CT (January 2007)
8th Annual Connecticut All State Elementary General Music Conference: Bridging the Gap Between Literacy and Music, CCSU. New Britain, CT (October 2006)
Interests: Genealogy, Scrapbooking, Knitting, Swimming.
Community Involvement:
Irish Immigration Reform Movement
Co-chairperson, Hartford Connecticut Chapter 1987 – 1994
My Friend Taught Me – Mentor, CIGNA Foundation & Burns Middle School
Tutor 1991 – 1996
Girl Scouts of America - Bloomfield, Connecticut 1992 – 1995
Public Relations Liaison
Marist College Alumni Association Connecticut Chapter
Chair & Host Annual Fund Drive 1994 -1996