Studies and Diplomas: • Diploma of State Engineer in mechanical engineering, option mechanical construction (Level BAC+5), University of Mouloud Mammeri Tizi-Ouzou (UMMTO). (Mention very well). • Project graduation: development and characterization of a hybrid composite: application in Motors-car industry. Courses and training: • Stage mechanical manufacturing (numerical control machines-classical) 2006-2007 at the workshop Mechanical Engineering Department (Mouloud Mammeri T-O University). • Training course on the techniques Non destructive testing: penetrate testing (PT), radiographic (RT), and ultrasonic testing (UT) on the research laboratory of the mechanical department of engineering. • Initiation on the programming language MATLAB 7.0 (discrete structures in finite element, Mouloud Mammeri T-O University). • Initiation on the software SAP2000 (Mouloud Mammeri T-O university).
