Dear Gentlemen, I would like to confirm that I am interested to work for your pioneering company . I have more than 7 years with M-ISWACO A Schlumberger Company ltd project operations worked as: - Solid Control Technician Consulting Engineer , operation and maintenance FH Centrifuges (518,600,414,….) ,Shall shakers , Augers , CCB UNIT, ISO PUMP, Vacuum Unit , R-VALVES. - D-Watering operation system. - Environmental Solution Consultant Engineer for M-ISWACO A Schlumberger Offshore Services EAST AFRICA PROJECTS (KENYA also worked as D-WATERING Engineer and Solid Control Engineer. - ES Specialist and Solid Control Engineer for Sultanate of Oman oilfields. - worked as CCB Engineer and all CleanCut equipments CRI also in swamp barge rig south of Sudan Oilfields. - worked as Mud Engineer in all Sudan oilfields . - I have been completed Successful M-ISWACO SCHOOL IN THAILAND TRAINING CENTER. One of Tullow oil plc team in Kenya oilfields worked as WM & Environmental Solution Consultant Engineer Solid Control Consulting Drilling fluids Engineer , D-Watering Nagamia 1 , Pai Pai and Marsabit oilfields. Please check the 2012 TULLOW OIL PLC ANUALL REPORT LINKS BELLOW: - Also I have been worked as “Drilling Engineer” for AL Dindir International Petroleum Company. - I have been encouraged to submit my application to get a better prospect. Thankful ASIM MOHAMEDALTILIB Petroleum Engineer MISWACO A SCHLUMBERGER COMPANY Mobile: 00249129288844

