Summary Innovative m anager w ith a w inning attitu d e and d esire to d eliver a excep tional d ining exp erience. Focu sed on setting high exp ectations and raising service stand ard s. H igh ligh ts Em p loyee engagem ent Persuasive Cost red u ction Ad ap table Team bu ild ing Forecasting Decisive lead er Bu ild team Morale Op erations m anagem ent Exp erien ce Customer Relations: Earned highest m arks for cu stom er satisfaction. Increased rep eat bu siness thru u se of "Loyalty Program " Maintained a p ositive d ining exp erience for all gu ests Financials: Correctly calcu lated inventory and ord ered ap p rop riately Food beverages and su p p lies. Maintained Food cost at or below bu d get thru p rop er training and execu tion. Maintained Labor Cost at or below bu d get thru p rop er Forecasting, sched u ling and training. Work H istory Au gu st 2004 TG IFrid ays Mem p his, TN to Assistan t G en eral M an ager : Kitch en M gr: Bar M gr: Service M gr. Cu rrent May 2000 Ap p leBee's Mem p his, TN to G en eral M an ager Au gu st 2004 Ed u cation


Job Skills
