PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY Senior Analyst/Program Manager and Military Veteran with a prior Clearance offering 20+ years of proven experience in providing analytical analysis, Program Management Institute/National Contract Management guidance, Acquisitions and Budget Analysis derived from conducting both domestic and global operations in the Middle East. Accomplished measurable results while leading teams in a dynamic, fast - paced environment. Saved estimated $1M year, sighting performance improvement, single point of control for mainframe resources, software, hardware and governance review of specific contract items. Recipient of multiple awards for outstanding performance and professionalism in the United States Air Force. Career supported by vast analytical and operational experience, training in the military, a Graduate Degree in Administration and a Doctorate in Education pending 2018. Duties: Ensure Engineering Compliance with State/Federal Regulations GOODKIND & ODEA - Enhance G &O's business reputation for consulting services. Responsible for inspection repair and purchasing of equipment/services paid by Federal Government ( Limit $2,000,000 per day without Washington Approval) compliance of public infrastructure and buildings damaged in the Northridge Earthquake. Specialization: Sub Surface Evaluation (Drilling) planning evaluation repair and restoration of: * LA County Water Systems Restored Hyperion Treatment Plant's capacity of 320 Million gallons of water/day via 6200 miles of pipe and Tillman Treatment Plant's capacity 26 Million gallons/day.


Job Skills
