Dear Sir/Madam, With over 6+ years experience in the Banking/Financial sector, I am looking to prove my leadership skills in a rich and motivating environment. Built on the strong foundation of an MBA degree, my professional growth curve has seen a jump from the post of Sales Executive to that of “TEAM LEAD” with HBL GLOBAL PVT LTD (a sister concern of HDFC Bank). This tenure has not only strengthened my communication and people skills, but has also sparked leadership and team management capabilities in a corporate setup. Further to my responsibilities I carry forward my responsibilities I have worked with SHREE PS HR CONSULTANTS sister concern of Credila as “OFFICER”, also have been working as “SR CLIENT RELATIONSHIP EXECUTIVE” with TATA CAPITAL FINANCIAL SERVICES. This Tenure has enhanced my skills and strengthened my team management. Moreover, with 6+ years on the career graph also comes a 100% honing of professional values, commitment and efficiency. And it is this professionalism that I believe will be an asset to your organization.


Job Skills
