Besides 20+ years of traveling in the USA ,for exact experiences from selected professionals ,complimenting the best education from MOUNT MARY COLLEGE which instilled the critical thinking, and curiosity with investigative work, values I cherish, and find missing in todays medical environments. I also bring an invaluable perspective and drive, as a severe closed head injury( 2/2 MVA in 2000,) learning to literally walk ,talk, and rid spasticity for functional performances, without therapeutic intervention -slipping through the cracks of to literally teach myself with sesame street, martha stewart, etc,- to walk and talk again, let alone provide my own IQ tests, to progress from 78 IQ, "trainable retarded, with a 1.5 second memory, extensive trunk and neck damage ," for todays miraculous recovery with the ability to compensate for a quality life worth living, but solidly understanding what Hell on earth truly feels like, and being blessed, and not being stuck there ,for ABILITY as an OT regained, for full employment, and, QUALITY OF LIFE returned. So tell me what you cant do, so we can partner your recovery together. I personally have full TBI disability status, work full time, live alone ,have a new puppy.. EXPERTISE: I took people out of institutions chained to the floors, I worked with Rosemary Kennedy for ADL I, via, SR Edna Lonergan ,securing a 2 million dollar grant for services, I am also a gerontology expert, cognitive/behavioral expert, MR/DD,AUTISM expert; TBI & spinal cord expert; sensory integration expert; Sexual Dysfunction expertise; sexual D/O including adult, adolescent, and child, obsessions, gender identification issues, incest ,rape, etc, and; PTSD expertise. Getting resume updated...

