• Orchestrated seven trade shows in U.S. and Canada; acquired 95 new exhibitors and increased revenue 24% in four years through creative and resourceful marketing.
• Collected and analyzed show data to effectively time campaigns by identifying peak selling times, created demographics reports, evaluated sales trends to determine marketing schedule, and coordinated advertising with 10 industry publications. Partnered with consulting firm to create marketing materials and collateral.
• Spearheaded the adoption of Web 2.0 applications, including Twitter to promote event, communicate with exhibitors, and increase target market.
• Implemented online, real-time software application allowing potential exhibitors to view space availability, which dramatically decreased the administration related to the booking process by 50%. Instituted an online exhibitor kit that eliminated the paper binder, saving thousands of dollars in shipping and materials costs.
• Drafted creative newsletters and exhibitor alerts to communicate show information to 350 participants; increased readership through innovative content. Wrote advertising trade contracts for booths and edited the Exhibitor Rules and Regulation document, which has been used by other shows as a guideline.
• Designed and executed a creative postcard/email campaign that raised awareness and participation of event.
Companies I like:
Fortune 500 in industries related to energy, construction, transportation, defense and or communications.
Post-show wrap-up, August 13, 2008
I just returned to the office after 10 days from a successful conference in Kansas City. Most of the department can relax right now, but I have a ...
Directed, planned, and executed the annual international exposition focused on public safety communication issues and homeland security, attracting 6,000 attendees and 350 exhibitors. Program generated $1.8 million annually, which was the largest portion of the organization’s revenue. Managed relationships with key companies, including Motorola, Verizon, Harris, and EF Johnson.