VINCENT E. MCGRANAHAN 2003 MONTERREY STREET • KEMAH, TX 77565 281-245-9410 • Date Here Name Company Street Address City, State, Zip Re: Construction Superintendent Employment Opportunity Dear Hiring Manager: Please accept this letter in application for the above referenced position. My track record reflects a broad range of experience in construction spanning 20 years. I offer proven capabilities in the full range of construction management roles from project planning, scheduling, staffing, subcontractor relations, equipment allocation, safety administration, customer relations, and project closeout. Throughout my career, my organizations have consistently completed projects within schedule and budget and exceeded customer expectations. I have managed projects valued at up to $10M and offer expertise in building and roadway construction for industrial, commercial, residential, and municipal programs. I am accustomed to a fast-paced environment where Quality Control and budget management are top priorities. My history of success in effectively communicating customer needs and the importance of efficient operation could make me an important addition to your management team. If it appears that my qualifications meet your needs, please contact me at the above telephone number or email address to arrange a personal interview. I look forward to the opportunity to meet with you to discuss joining your staff. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Very truly yours, Vincent E. McGranahan Enclosure: Résumé