P & L Responsibility, Strategic Planning, Multi-unit Management, Succession Planning, Financial Management, Human Resources, Organization restructuring-downsizing, Growth Management, Start-ups, Turnaround Management
Companies I like:
Sprint, Sears, Starbucks
Utilized management, marketing, human resources, and P & L expertise gained within a major corporaton in tourning around four businesses, all with a negative cash flow, so that lenders underwriting would accept turn-around and businesses could be sold.
Developed and executed strategic plan to remain competitve in multiple markets with declining market share as a result of market fragmentation without substantial capital contribution from partnership. Sold one declining market before effects of fragmentation were known and reinvested proceeds in curcuitwide expansion. Reestablished market share in second declining market by replacing 13 inferior operations with 4 strategically placed mega complexes. Within five years new markets were identified, proposed to wonership, blessed by the city, and constructed. The new expansion represented 20% of the company's facilities and 40% of its cash flow.