I am interested a faculty position within an institution of healthcare or higher education because it will allow me to incorporate my knowledge of healthcare and teaching ability as well as utilize my communication and organizational skills. I have spent several years educating individuals with health related topics. I was recently employed as an Education Program Lead as well as a classroom instructor for the past few years. As Education Lead, I am also required to perform duties as Academic Advisor to students regarding classes, major, graduation requirements, and academic status. The classes that I taught recently included Anatomy & Physiology, Pathophysiology, Medical Terminology, Healthcare Compliance, and Speech Communications for Health Professionals, and Healthcare Ethics, Basic ICD-CM coding, CPT coding, and Physician Office Billing. I enjoy educating adults and would like to continue on this career track. I am confident that I will make a significant contribution to your organization. I am a self-reliant individual who adjust well to diverse situations and personalities. I am a hard worker who’s devoted to my assigned duties and would welcome the opportunity to work for your company.