A retired UK Royal Navy Officer holding the rank of Commander, Clive achieved sea command followed by senior UN and NATO operational assignments in Europe and Africa. Following 20 years service in the military, he then joined the United Nations where he served 12 years managing humanitarian relief and peace-building programs for conflict-prone states located in Africa and Asia. Of particular note Clive has held posts in charge of disarmament and reconciliation following two regional wars in Central and West Africa as well as following the civil wars in Indonesia and Sri Lanka. Having managed teams numbering over 300 staff and programs with annual budgets of $ 60,000,000 US, Clive is an experienced leader who is both a creative planner and flexible team player. Similarly, as a recognised authority in the field of post-conflict peace-building, Clive is an active mentor who delivers training courses for universities as well as public and private sector organisations.


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