CAREER HIGHLIGHTS CFO and Acting COO 2014 to present INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR AUTOMATION (ISA) Operational and Finance senior executive for 60 staff 501C (3) managing 4 separate legal entities. Accepted added responsibility for infrastructure conversion (AMS, LMS and Web) project launched prior to my arrival that did not meet expectations. I was promoted to Acting COO after 7 months. * Strategy: Performed analysis of acquisition targets. Integrated acquired organization financially and operationally while leveraging synergies. New organization added 1.5M annually to revenues. Lead both Operations Group and Goal Leads - staff teams focused on delivering operational excellence and strategic objectives. * IT: Lead multidimensional content and ecommerce Web presence, AMS and LMS projects to close gaps in defined requirements vs. delivered solution. Brought in new vendors and staff to make significant improvements in functionality and increase web sales 3 years in a row, exceeding 3M annually. * Operations: Lead team of program and service Directors with goal of continuous improvement leveraging communication, operational and staff utilization strategies to enhance organizational performance. Manage Finance, Administration and IT services directly. Achieved Y^Y sales growth every year since 2014. Chief Executive Officer 2007 to 2013 EXTENSIBLE BUSINESS REPORTING LANGUAGE INTERNATIONAL, INC. (XII) First CEO for this international consortium of over 650 companies in 30 countries which develops, maintains and promotes its XML based technology standard for the transmission of business performance information. * Strategy: Led strategic initiatives resulting in new membership and certification revenue streams, defining organizational advocacy and operational priorities and setting evaluation criteria. Revenues increased 40%. * Membership Expansion: Grew jurisdiction base by 60% with jurisdictions in France, Luxemburg, South Africa, Italy, United Arab Emirates, China, India, Switzerland and Finland. Established direct membership program which increased dues revenue by 25%. * Financial and Legal: Managed support contract relationships for the organization. Directed all legal matters related to personnel, contracts, intellectual property and organizational documents and policies. * Advocacy: Directed a period of significant global adoption of XBRL by country regulators. Addressed market needs while ensuring stability of the base technology stack to protect regulatory investments. Deputy Executive Director / Chief Financial Officer 2004 to 2007 FEDERATION OF AMERICAN SOCIETIES FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY (FASEB) A partnership of 23 biomedical (life science) research societies dedicated to research funding and society management. * Change Management: Restructured business operations and negotiated loan covenants to improve trust and transparency of financial and business operations. Attained annual profits of $1 million from deficit position of $600,000 over 18 month period. ANTHONY T. FRAGNITO, CPA Resume Page Two Deputy Executive Director / Chief Financial Officer, FASEB - continued * Strategic & Tactical Leadership: Engaged actively in key committees and task forces (Strategic Planning, Board, Executive and Finance Committees). * Fiscal Discipline: Introduced incentives for multi-year service and tenant commitments, stabilizing revenue and resource requirements. I developed predictive models to assess financial impacts and trends. * Accounting & Support Services: Managed accounting operation for FASEB and 6 societies on a contract basis. Established requirements and oversaw development of a dues and subscription fulfillment application to process periodicals and membership for 20+ societies. Application led to downsizing of 2 staff while processing more than 10,000 orders monthly. * Association Management: Expanded association-management services from 4 to 11 clients through acquisition and new business development. Revenue increased from $100,000 to $900,000 in one year ($1.5 million in total financial impact). Served as and recruited CEOs for several managed societies. * Technology Management: Achieved $3 million in revenues for technology services provided to clients. Ensured viability and ROI for telephone and data infrastructure for on-campus societies and hosted web infrastructures. Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer 1996 to 2004 ROCKVILLE MAILING SERVICE, INC. Co-owner of a privately held direct-mail production, automated pre-sort and response-processing company with 120+ employees. Began as employee and leveraged position to 35% ownership. * Succession: Completed $2 million acquisition of company from the founder. Orchestrated all banking, financing, and legal agreements, including debt restructuring and succession planning. * Acquisitions: Initiated purchase of subscription-fulfillment company from Kiplinger Washington Editors. Lead multiple acquisitions and on-boarding of competitors in both mail processing and fulfillment. * Laser Personalization: Launched laser personalization service including data processing. Acquired equipment, hired and managed staff and grew business to over $1M annually within 18 months. * Management Systems: Implemented system for job costing and financial reporting. Organization had never produced a financial statement internally prior to arrival. Billing, quoting and management reviews were substantially improved as well as profitability. * Divestitures: Championed sale of pre-sort operating division to Pitney Bowes in response to changing market. Negotiated $2.3 million cash sale while directing all financial and legal matters related to the transaction. Director of Administration & Finance 1985 to 1996 Controller - 1987 to 1990 Business Manager - 1985 to 1987 NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF MATHEMATICS (NCTM) Granted successive promotions while leading a period of rapid growth in association revenue (3M to over 15M) and membership (65K to over 110K). * Operations: Provided mission-critical administration for daily operations including finance, membership, customer service, IT, conferences, buildings and mail room. Supervised 40+ staff through 4 direct reports.


Job Skills
