� To develop policies, guidelines and procedures for its use of technology, managing certain aspects of the web-enablement of the business process and to help formalize the business rules; � Develop standards for the use of New Media Partner strategies, and implement One-to-One Customer Service initiatives; and � To be part of new and exciting initiatives which contribute to an organization�s mission and goals.
Work Experience
Capital-Gazette Communications, Inc. | (Confidential) | 7/1975 - 11/1995 |
(Confidential) | (Confidential) | 5/1974 - Present |
University of Maryland | Radio, Television & Film Business Management | 1975 | Bachelor Degree |
Maryland Department of Natural Resources Annapolis, MD May 1974 – PresenteGov and Online Services Manager for the DNR Office of Communications and Marketing. Used the Internet since 1994. We were the first MD department to be online, March 1995. Championed the concept of incorporating the use of the Internet to expand service, save resources and generate revenue. Developed the policies for website guidelines, copyright issues, privacy, content, external links, e-government/e-commerce and new media partners. Have built and currently manage a team of people in a diversified environment of many programs. In 2006 our site had 8,598,987 visits by 2,870,414 unique website visitors of which 621,469 visited more than one time. Online customers accessed over 25,211,670 documents a month. Strengths include excellent team building skills, time management, planning, and project management skills. I am self-motivated, creative and a high achiever, with a focus on customer service and documenting results for continuous improvement. Opened an online store in May of 2004 and closed out the year with $43,055 in gross revenue. In 2006 the total revenue was $150,000. Park Reservations are being made 45% online. Hunting and Fishing License sales are at about 6% going into our second year. Positions held: eGov and Online Services Manager; Webmaster Supervisor; Public Affairs Officer; Marketing and promotions manager; Publications editor, manager and publisher; Legislative Liaison; Regulations Coordinator; Conference/Events CoordinatorCapital-Gazette Communications, Inc. Annapolis, MD July 1975 – November 1995Worked under contract on a part-time basis in the production end of a newspaper and magazine publishing company. Started as a computer markup person and ended up being responsible for the classified advertising production end of the shop, coordinating with ad production personnel and overseeing the actual production process for that portion of the next day’s papers. Also served two times on the employees’ contract team (non-union) with management negotiating on multi-million dollar, multi-year employment contracts for about 30 people. Lead negotiator for the 1990 contract.Companies I like:
Job Skills
Changing organizational culture by educating employees and managing the implemention of Internet strategies in marketing, communication, customer service and sales in a government environment. Am eGov and Online Service Manager for a Department within the State of Maryland. I am also an advisor to, the State's portal. I am viewed as a leader and visionary for eGov efforts.