Rodger K. Boland Plastic Process Engineer 99 Holly Dr. Levittown, PA. 19055 215-949-2682 267-391-7042 Cell This management and process control engineer will become a great asset to your company. It has been my good fortune, to have been taught by some of the best in each field of expertise. This has made available a vast knowledge and experience in processing, material selection, trouble-shooting, design, failure analysis etc. I teach and perform hands-on seminars. The seminars given most often are Scientific Molding, Decoupled Molding (On machine rheology), Design, Extrusion and Material Properties. When all this information has been learnt, and applied in the proper manner, the consistency and quality of the production is improved. It has been proven that maintaining a high efficiency, by establishing a process that will remain consistent is the best secret to both quality and cost reduction. This is the basis for Statistical Process Control. Corporations, for whom I have performed, plant evaluations and seminars, have claimed a cost reduction of over twenty-percent. This equates to an even higher increase of profits. I have work with the Med-Tech Group in South Plain Field. This was to establish the validation program. The three necessary steps needed for product and process validation are IQ/OQ/PQ. Specific information and steps, must properly be evaluated during the IQ, This ensures the success of the OQ. The Scientific Molding Principles are used to produce the consistency needed for validation. Variations were used to simulate lot to lot changes of material. This insured the product would remain consistent throughout each production. Certain process measurements are used during the run to ensure consistency. The PQ then will prove the consistency has been established. Provide solutions for a variety of different problems and needs. Included are manufacturing, diagnostic, design, development and education. Explaining the information and how it should be recorded in order to satisfy ISO 9001 and Six Sigma requirements. The information that is submitted must not lock us into a specific machine or material supplier. Several companies ask my presence when new jobs and customers arrived. Assist in part, mold or die design and material selection. Also advise on further analysis or test, such as an FEA. There are occasions when this is needed to determine the correct design and material selection. Quality issues are also answered and solved. Meeting with the company, who produced the product, the OEM, and if needed other engineers or material suppliers. Determine when further analysis is needed to prove or disprove the cause of a certain failure. We diagnose the problem and find the solution. Whether the solution is material, design or process, everyone must be made aware of the direction taken to solve the problem. Thank you for spending the time to review my resume. It will be my pleasure to speak with you further. Sincerely, Rodger K. Boland Rodger K. Boland

