1/9 To : - H. R Manager FROM: - Eng. Mostafa Abd EL Razek Subject: - Maintenance Manager I would like to submit My Bio-Data as Maintenance Manager Therefore; I would like to submit my bio- data for your studying and decision , In order to occupy Maintenance Manager Job title "Best regards" Eng. Mostafa. M. razek 2/9 BIO – DATA Name : - MostafaMostafa Youssef Abd El Razek Date : - 01, October 1957g Religion : - Muslim Nationality : - Egyptian Martial status : - Married Military status : - Military service completed Address : - 14, Hessian Mohamed Ali Street, From Fatima Rushdie street El Ahram Street – Giza – Egypt Telephone : - 20235821005 Egypt Mobil Number : - 01001954800 Languages : - Arabic (Mother tongue) English (Reading & Writing very good) Scientific Certificates : - (1) Awarded the degree of B.S.C. in Mechanical Engineering Department (Al – Azhar university – 1983g) (2) Awarded the Diploma of higher studies Faculty of Engineering – Cairo university awarded Diploma from Refrigeration and Air conditioning 22, Dec. 1990g (3) attended the executive development program American university in Egypt 18, May 1994g 3/9 Career objective:- I can manage the production plant as the follow:- 1 – Planning and operations processes for plant, according to the target request by marketing department 2 – Accountable for achievement of plant performance objectives and product (quantity & quality) 3 – Determine the production budget and Monitoring plant Expenditures according to the budget limit 4 – Run the factory by control way according to hygiene/ security / environment roles 5 – Excellent analytical, planning, production improvement (quantity &quality), communication & interpersonal skill, Strong personality and ability to lead staff 4/9 PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT April 2009 until Now Technical office manager on water Service Company Design& Fabrication and installation water treatment plants for drinking water& west water and sewage water plant 14 April, 2008 until April 2009 Maintenance and production Managers on Ever grow company for fertilizers 1- Planning and operations processes for plant, according to the target request by marketing department 2- Run the factures to execute the production aim and maintenance the machines according the preventive maintenance planning 3- Prepare the production sheets and analysis the productivity and determine the problems and solutions 4- Training the labors on the TPM programs 5- Daily reporting to the general Manager and discus all the factory planning Productions & maintenance & Quality controls And R&D (Problems and solutions) 6- Suggest idea to cost saving by studying chemical formula and determine the quantity and quantity price 7- Determine the raw Materials and deliver final products to warehouse 5/9 17, October, 2007 until 15, April, 2008 Maintenance director on COGRAL Company at Algeria (For edible oil & soap & powder and liquid detergents and personal products). Manage all Engineering activities, electrical, mechanical, projects works and technical buying for new equipment and spare parts, Moreover Manage engineering and technical staff to create a machine coding system & machine instruction sheet for allplant equipment’sand applying and Executed the preventive Maintenance for all equipment’s likes the flowing:- 1- refining oil plants and filling Machines for edible oiland bottles producing lines 2- saponification plants and wrapping Machines 3- all utilities equipment’s likes (boilers ,cooling towers, compressors and Electrical generators ,water treatments , cooling and heating systems 4- Personal products manufacturing plants and filling Machines 16, May, 2006 until 16, October, 2007 G Consultant Mechanical Engineer in general management for ministry of Egyptian health The activates was been determine the mechanical technical specification for the hospitals Likes boilers and heating systems &air conditions (window types, split units and HVAC) & incinerators and medical gases plants and Electrical generators. Moreover we flow upand final receiving all the equipment’s plants installations from suppliers companies 6/9 15, MARCH, 2002G , UNTIL 17, May 2006G Engineering Manager for MODERN COMPANY. For manufacturing Soap & Detergents. Manage all Engineering activities, electrical, mechanical, projects works and technical buying for new equipment and spare parts, Moreover Manage engineering and technical staff to create a machine coding system & machine instruction sheet for all Saponification plant equipment’s , finishing line for soap production and utilities equipment’s according to ISO 9001 – 2000 System documents, and manage both Engineering & technical Staff to conduct and executed the preventive maintenance program to which harmonious ISO 9001 – 2000 System . For Engineering department Store arranged and divided to four sections ( Mechanical service , Electrical service , spare parts and Auxiliary store ) prepared spar parts – List and coding related to machines coding system and determined minimum & maximum level, spar part price and stand place cod . Reporting to plant manager all preventive maintenance recording , problems analysis , optimum recommended solution and technical improvement to overcame the problems and increase the productivities and reduce the cost for maintenance & overhaul also study projects according to engineering drawing, technical specification moreover study and negotiation contracting ,reduced cost , quality and plan executive timing ( bar chart ) and monitoring project progressive until finished So, during that time, the engineering and technical Staff under my supervision dismantle, transfer , installed and commissioning Soap finishing line , glycerin distillation plant and soap dryer plant from hernia area ( factory old place ) to 6, October industry area ( factory new place ) 7/9 15, JUN, 2000G, UNTIL 15, MARCH, 2002G Utilities and general maintenance head department in ARM Food Industries Company (Edible oil &Ghee). Manage all utilities plants such as:- 1- Chilled water system which consists of three Dunham bush chiller has 300ton refrigeration capacity and tow carrier chiller has 150ton refrigeration capacity 2- Compressed air system which consists of four comp air compressor 40 bar, two Burton corblline compressors 40 bar also and two demage compressors12 bar 3- Steam generators which consists of two NASR boilers 15 bar & 15ton steam 4- Three cooling tower and water pumping system 5- H2 generator plant & N2 generator plant 6- Effluent plant Manage technical staff to operate all plants and apply preventive maintenance according ISO system and record update moreover, problem analysis and solution, also prepare recommended spare parts list for all plant equipment’s And sure these always available in store, report for technical director for all plants situation (problems analysis, solution, improvement, modification and cost) Also, manage central work shop to manufacture spear parts and overhauling the production machines, supervise all spear part which manufacture in out site work shop (determine cost and check quality ) Moreover, study and execute a small project to modify and increase the productivities which related the production lines for oil and gee Reported for technical director (problems, solution and cost) All vehicle and trucks maintenance under my responsibility for service , maintenance and overhauling All tank farm in demith and Suez also under my responsibility (preventive maintenance, recording update, overhauling and modification) 8/9 DECEMBER , 1995 G UNTIL MAY 2000G Site manager for AL –Ansar sports club with SAMSCO Company for maintenance & cleaning services in Saudi Arabia. Manage technical staff to conduct preventive maintenance of air conditioning chilled water chillers of 147 ton each , split units, fan coil units , window type , air handling units , pumps , gardens equipment, Swimming pool circulating system ( pumps ,sand filter and water treatment ) for checking water treatment , Fire Alarm system ( smoke & heat detector ) Manual push button, Main amplifier T.V system, service call, building maintenance as plumping, painting, furniture, chandeliers, Maintenance & cleaning kitchen equipment, Report for head office for site situation (Problems, solution and cost) 14,JAN. 1993G UNTIL 17, DEC. 1995 Maintenance Engineer in Lever Egypt (Multi – National Company) For Soap & Detergent factory was responsible for implement the mechanical installation for finishing soap lines, powder detergent packing machines. Prepare and follow preventive Maintenance schedule for the machines, prepared the required spare parts and contact the machine suppliers, keep the machines at maximum efficiency and maximum production rate 01, JAN, 1988G UNTIL 14, JAN, 1993G Maintenance Engineer in Parfico Company Egypt. For soap &detergent factory was responsible to maintain soap production line machines consist of mixer, roll – mill, plodder, stamp, chillers, cutter, wrapping machine, conveyer belts. Moreover, Tooth paste, filling machines, Furthermore, dozen packs wrapping machine, assumed the mechanical installation of automatic dozing mixing and filling powder detergent factory • Have Experience of repairing programming filling , wrapping , labeling machines • Have Experience of auxiliary utilities equipment as boiler, air compressors generator and water treatment for prepare preventive maintenance instruction sheet 9/9 01, JAN. 1987G UNTIL 01, JAN.1988G Sales Engineer in Egypt Diesel Company (American Diesel Equipment & Spare parts Cummins) was responsible for marketing and ordering 08, JULY, 1984G UNTIL 01, JAN, 1987G Maintenance Engineer ( First officer ) in the work shop NO 5 for army tanks in maintenance department was responsible to maintain the work shop equipment’s like center lathe ,milling machine , overhead cranes and so on for trouble shoot . Moreover, mechanical and electrical. Furthermore, maintain all auxiliary utilities like boilers, pumps, air compressors and Refrigeration & air conditioning OTHER PERSONAL QUALIFICATION • Self – motivated , Hardworking and dynamics • Computer knowledge special in windows &word, excel • AutoCADand solid work • MS Project & Visio • Valid driving license

