As a member of Mensa, and a woman that uses both sides of her brain equally (both logical and artistic/creative sides) I have much to offer a prospective employer. I put honest effort and communication with employers at the forefront of my interactions at a place of employment, and was taught at an early age to do everything that I do to the best of my ability. I am proud to say, that ideology has stayed with me through the current time in my life.

Foothill High School, Sacramento, CA | General Studies | 1975 | High School/GED Degree |

Social Media
Book | The Best Known Works of Voltaire | media url | Philosophical meanderings of a 15th Century French Philosopher. I believe that philosophy relates to all human interaction to one degree or another. |
Book | A Brief History In Time | media url | Hawkings left me almost speechless a few times as he interwove the Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics and stated that a Quantum Theory of Gravity is needed and necessary to make these laws fit together. After all, who does not just LOVE Physics? |
Magazine | Scientific American | media url | FIrst fell in love with S.A. the minute I picked up a copy. A wide variety of Scientific Articles without being dumbed down like Discover. Oh, uh, er, my apologies to any Discover fans out there, I, uh did not really mean it. Smiles. |

* Started a Domestic Violence Program for Abused women and children, with nothing but a file cabinet and telephone to start with. * Was able to assist a client in gaining the right to stay in the USA, through the INS, under provisions of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA - a part of the Brady Bill). This was after the local Immigration Attorneys told her that her case was not a strong enough one, and that she would not win, I worked on her case for 9 months, and she was the first, and as far as I know to date, the only Immigrant woman to have obtained the clearance from the INS and be allowed to stay in the state of Alaska under these provisions.Companies I like:
Labs at: British Petroleum, Phillips, Shell Oil Company, Chevron Oil Company, The Office of An Ethical Attorney, A Non Insanity-Driven Human Services Agency, Human Resources.

Job Skills

