Gregory ‘Greg’ S. Fitch 10109 Ashwood Place, Boynton Beach, Florida 33437 Telephone: Cell: (561) 350-4395 Email: OBJECTIVE To be considered for the position of Spiritual Life Director/Counselor HIGHLIGHTS OF QUALIFICATIONS • Chaplain with Hospices for almost 10 years with superior annual reviews and main officiate for corporate wide events. More than 12,000 visits with patients and families. Trainer and mentor with medical teams and hospital staff. Zero complaints. • Significant skills in crisis intervention, marketing, team building and development. • An ability and skill set which can significantly increase our patient census goals by increasing an organization’s exposure and gaining in the market share. • Employee of the quarter in “Whatever It Takes” program selected by fellow employees, endorsed by supervisors on 4 occasions. • Preceptor of chaplains, clinical and supportive staff in all aspects of excelling as a health care professional. • First in the Class in 2 units of Hospice of Palm Beach County Clinical Pastoral Education course and functioned as an Adjunct Professor in the program. • Chief of Chaplains: Rank of Major with Delray Beach Police and Fire Rescue, Directed Program for 9 Chaplains. • Officiate at city council meetings in Delray Beach and Boynton Beach. • Extensive working relationships with local Clergy and funeral services. • Recognized bereavement expertise providing appropriate support, interventions and extensive instruction on the process of loss, grief and recovery in the area hospitals and facilities in addition to an active patient/family care load. • Multi-cultural committee with expertise in language and culture acquisition. • Extensive pastoral experience for 22 years both in the States and in Western Europe. • Senior Pastor of the International Church of Geneva, Switzerland for 12 years with 80 plus nationalities represented in the congregation; largest church in the city. • Bishop with the European Association of Churches. • Pastor with Calvary United Methodist Church. • Extensive travel and support provided with leaders of 27 countries. • Adjunct Professor with American Christian Theological Seminary and University of the Nations in Lausanne, Switzerland, Venice, Italy and Amsterdam, Holland. CAREER SKILLS • Total commitment to serving residents who need spiritual and/or emotional support during the journey of aging, disease process, decline and death. • Serve patients, their families and loved ones who need who need support through active listening, appropriate interventions and therapies, community referrals to other clergy and supportive organizations and services. • Extensive training related to all aspects of palliative/hospice care and end of life issues. • Energetic self-starter and solid team player. • Strong commitment to leadership consensus problem solving and task accomplishment. • Strong written and verbal communication and managerial skills. • Excellent relational networking abilities. • Strong computer training and experience with computer programs and systems. • Language support in 5 languages including English and French, Spanish, Hebrew and Yiddish. • Professional appearance EXPERIENCE 2013 Present Spiritual Life Director, John Knox Village, Pompano Beach, FL 2009-2013 Spiritual Care Counselor, Hospice by the Sea, Boca Raton, FL 2007-2012 Chief of Chaplains, Delray Beach Police and Fire Departments, Delray Beach, Florida (with a team of 9 chaplains), Volunteer. 2003-2009 Chaplain, Hospice of Palm Beach County, West Palm Beach, Florida. 1996-2001 Chaplain, University of Colorado Athletic Department, Boulder, Colorado. 1996-2002 Consultant to non-profit organizations related to all area of fund raising. 1996-2002 President and CEO: International Sports Marketing, Boulder, Colorado 1994-1996 Executive Pastor with Boulder Valley Church, Longmont, Colorado. 1984-1994 Senior Pastor of the International Church of Geneva, Switzerland. 1982-1994 Adjunct Faculty with University of the Nations, Lausanne, Switzerland and Amsterdam, Holland. 1980-1982 Pastor with Calvary United Methodist Church, Flint, MI. EDUCATION AND APPOINTMENTS • M.Div., American Christian Theological Seminary, Anaheim, California. • B.S. in B.A., Business School, Kent State and Youngstown State Universities, Ohio. • Two Clinical Pastoral Education units of 1400 hours each with superior ratings. • Private pilot, Swiss international sailing and powerboat captain certification. • Ordained as a chaplain. • Veteran with the U.S. Air Force. • A coach with the Swiss National Water Ski Team. • Daily inspirational radio program in Geneva, Switzerland.
