I provide advice and guidance to all areas of the depot in the depot maintenance business area on the preparation of information within assigned major area. Determines basic program objectives and guides the preparation of resource plans and budget/workload submissions for to reflect allocation of resources needed to achieve mission objectives. I recommend and justify the need for additional resources and/or reallocation of approved resources. I defend programs to higher headquarters and coordinate the collection and submission of quantitative and qualitative supporting data. I coordinate preparation of impact data for adverse budget decisions. Recommend program realignments in decrement actions. I oversee the translation of long-range plans, objectives and schedules into fiscal year budgets and workload levels reflecting complete programming for the depot maintenance mission area. Reviews and integrates requirements submitted by all maintenance mission elements. I also guide the development and mission participation in current and out-year budgets and work loading/manpower plans, and ensures the establishment of goals and objectives for timely execution of budget and workload programs.