• Graduate and Postgraduate in Industrial Electrical Engineering on Federal University - CEFET-PR; certification and Leadership Coaching/training Server Leader. • Strong performance in procurement management including in EPC Projects. With involvement from the basic settings, deployment, installation and maintenance & construction, always using the most modern planning techniques such as PMI and the most modern tools such as MS PROJECT and SAP R/3. • More than 15 years of professional experience in the areas of procurement, contracts and purchases in companies such as: Cement Itau, SEBRAE, SUND-EMBA-BHS, COMAU, PETROBRAS, VOTORANTIM, AZEVEDO & TRAVASSOS, TOSHIBA and CBEMI. • Effective administration and planning organization structured to trigger projects ; as well as in the implementation of tasks in the departments of the company, including in terms of cost and scale of work teams and regular reports; • Acting in administrative/financial ; involving Bids, accounts payable/receivable, financial applications, billing, cashflow, follow-up, fundraising and financing;

