Key Qualifications An engineer with highly varied experience specializes in roadway design with expertise in preliminary horizontal and vertical alignments, right-of-way plans, quantity takeoffs and final construction plans. Design software capabilities include Caice, Microstation, Inroads and Descartes. Highways/Roadways * Northbound GA-400 Early-Off-Ramp, City of Roswell DOT. Project study area is defined from GA 400, north of the Chattahoochee River to new northbound off-ramp location. The project implemented an early off ramp from northbound GA 400 to Holcomb Bridge Road connecting to Old Alabama Road via Market Blvd. .Duties included concept, final design plans, and right-of-way plans, also to analysis and design of roundabout. * State Route (SR) 140, Floyd and Bartow Counties, Georgia: prepared right-of-way plans and computations for widening SR 140 from two to four lanes beginning at SR 53 in Floyd County and extending to U.S. 41/SR 3 in Bartow County, a distance of approximately 7.2 miles (11.6 kilometers). * Rucker Road Alpharetta GA, Final Construction Plans developed for 2.7 mile corridor, City of Alpharetta DOT. Project included development of left turn lanes, improve sight distance where needed, construct two pedestrian bridges, add bike lanes. Responsibilities included project engineer preliminary and final designs for roadway. * Atlanta Falcons Stadium, Atlanta GA, Planning and design project to modify existing City of Atlanta Streets (horizontal and vertical alignments, signal and utility modifications) to accommodate the construction of the NSP footprint and to update the Traffic Management Plan - a guide for NSP Event access and egress. Work also includes coordinating with MARTA to mitigate impacts to the existing MARTA Rail Box and with the City to ensure City plans for bicycle and pedestrian access is incorporated into the design of the realigned Martin Luther King Drive. Responsibilities include creating conceptual drawings for multiple roadway alternatives. * I-77 Managed Lane Feasibility Study, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina: NCDOT feasibility study that analyzed alternatives for proposed widening of I-77 to include additional high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes or high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes. Responsibilities included horizontal spiral alignments and bridge widening for preliminary construction drawings. * (15937) 2013-Gateway Boulevard Final Design, Nashville, Tennessee: prepared quantities and cost estimates for the design of a segment of Gateway Boulevard from 4th Avenue South to 8th Avenue South. The design includes stop-controlled and signalized intersections as well as a roundabout intersection at 8th Avenue South and Lafayette Street. Gateway Boulevard is designed as an urban "zipper, " a street designed to join together downtown Nashville's urban fabric using wide sidewalks, ample medians, plantings and travel lanes fringed with on-street parking. (173430) * 2010 - Guam Island wide Program Management, Guam: as part of the program management contract to upgrade infrastructure on the island to accommodate the relocation of U.S. Marines from Okinawa, Japan, worked on the intersection improvements for Ukudu High School. Role was to prepare temporary stripping for a four-lane rural section. Plans included a left-turn bay, construction staging, signing and marking, a cost estimate and specifications. (80376) * State of Kuwait - Study and design for upgrading road network within the Governmental Zone at South Surra Area. Responsibilities included preliminary design of interchanges surrounding Jaber Al-Ahmad Sabah Hospital to provide free flow accesses from street network to hospital, upgrade intersections surrounding hospital by adding turn lanes. * SR 15, Lawrence County, Tennessee: Parsons Brinckerhoff provided field surveys and preliminary and final right-of-way plans for widening SR 15 to a four-lane, median-divided roadway between two completed four-lane sections. The firm initially developed right-of-way plans in 2005 subsequently, the standards of the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) were extensively revised. Responsibilities included updating the construction plans to reflect the revised standards. (15847) * SR 3/U.S. 41 Gordon County, Georgia: determined noise measurements for a 3.1-mile (5-kilometer) segment of the corridor that was being widened and reconstructed from two lanes to four lanes divided by a 14-foot (4.3-meter) flush median. Two bike lanes were also part of the project. (15938) * U.S. 441 Morgan and Putnam Counties, Georgia: prepared right-of-way plans, quantities and preliminary and final construction drawings for widening and reconstructing a 17-mile (27.4-kilometer) section. The existing two- and three-lane roadway was widened to a four-lane rural section with a 44-foot (13.4-meter) depressed median. The project was part of the Governor's Road Improvement Program (GRIP). Comprised of 16 corridors, the GRIP system converts existing primary routes and truck connecting routes into multilane highways. When completed, the system will place 98% of Georgia's population within 20 miles (32 kilometers) of a multilane highway and also provide access for oversized trucks to all cities with populations above 2,000. (15879) * I-75/I-575 High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Study, Atlanta, Georgia: the project involves transportation improvements to I-75 and I-575 in the Northwest Corridor, which extends northwest along I-75 from Akers Mill Road to Hickory Grove Road and along I-575 from the I-75/I-575 interchange to Sixes Road. The improvements include the addition of managed lanes on both I-75 and I-575. As project engineer for 26 miles (41.8 kilometers) of HOV lanes along I-75 and I-575, prepared the 30% preliminary plans and assisted with the development of the final environmental impact statement (FEIS). (173387. See also 15884) * Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) On-Call Services Contract, Statewide: project engineer responsible for concept development and preliminary and final design. The scope of this 3-year, $5 million on-call contract consisted of preparing project concepts, preliminary and final designs and hydraulic studies and reports for roadways and structures. (15867) * GDOT Work Order Services Agreement, Statewide: this was an agreement for engineering services on an on-call basis to be provided over a 3-year period. The scope included roadway and bridge design, planning and concept development. As project engineer, responsibilities included concept development, preliminary and final design. Two projects Mr. Dirton worked on as part of this agreement were: (15846) * SR 30/U.S. 280 Widening, Tatnall County, Georgia: project engineer for the widening and reconstruction of a 1.3-mile (2.1-kilometer) segment of U.S. 280 from two to four lanes with a 14-foot (4.3-meter) dual-turn lane. * SR 92 Widening, Fayette County, Georgia: project engineer for widening the south side of SR 92 to provide left-turn lanes at Rivers Road and West Bridge Road. The project also included the installation of a traffic signal at Rivers Road. * U.S. 27/85 Connector and I-85/I-85 Interchange Modifications, Troup County, Georgia: as project engineer, prepared preliminary and final construction drawings for improvements to the I-85/I-85 interchange. The improvements included the construction of new ramps to provide a fully directional interchange with the proposed U.S. 27 connector. The project required seven new bridges. (15862) * I-69, Oakland City to Crane, Indiana: the project entails final design and design management of 55 miles (88.5 kilometers) of new interstate highway, including 84 bridge structures, that will extend I-69 from Oakland City in the state's southwest corner to Crane, about halfway between Evansville and Indianapolis. Responsible for preliminary horizontal and vertical alignments. (35669) * SR 53, Hall County, Georgia: Parsons Brinckerhoff was responsible for the widening and reconstruction of a section of this state route. The corridor includes residential, commercial and sensitive environmental and cultural locations. As project engineer responsible for quantity takeoffs. (15874) * SR 36 Widening and Reconstruction, Lamar and Butts Counties, Georgia: project engineer for the widening and reconstruction of a 1.2-mile (1.9-kilometer) section of SR 36. The existing two-lane rural roadway was widened to a four-lane divided highway with temporary tie-ins at the beginning and the end of the project. Transit and Rail * Honolulu High-Capacity Transit Corridor, Honolulu, Hawaii: Parsons Brinckerhoff, as general engineering consultant to the City and County of Honolulu Department of Transportation Services, provided transportation planning and engineering services for a 20-mile (32-kilometer), 21-station steel-wheel-on-steel-rail fixed guideway system from East Kapolei to Ala Moana Center in downtown Honolulu. Project engineer responsible for quantity takeoffs. (16471) * World Trade Center (WTC) Transportation Hub and Other Site Projects, New York City: since 2007, Parsons Brinckerhoff has been providing construction management services for the WTC Port Authority Trans-Hudson (PATH) Transportation Hub, which is expected to open in 2014. Designed to accommodate 250,000 pedestrians per day-which corresponds to projected ridership numbers for 2025-the hub will feature an integrated network of underground pedestrian connections leading to adjoining New York City Transit subway stations and to locations on and around the WTC site. Project engineer responsible for quantity takeoffs. (71141) * GDOT Passenger Rail Program Management, Statewide: project engineer responsible for concept drawings and horizontal alignments. Parsons Brinckerhoff was part of a joint venture that provided program management and general engineering and planning services for a multiyear, multitask project that focused on finalizing the Georgia statewide intercity and commuter passenger rail implementation plan. (15861) * * Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project Extension of Dulles Airport / Route 772 - responsibilities included back checking design quantity cost estimate of rail station and section of guideway. Bridges * GDOT Big Bridge 4 Structural Work-Order Contract, Statewide: project engineer for U.S. 441/SR 31 over Mill Creek in Coffee County, Georgia, one of the bridge replacement projects comprising this work-order contract. The 170-foot (51.8-meter) prestressed concrete bridge, with a concrete cast-in-place deck, carries two lanes of traffic over Mill Creek. (15877) Utilities * Atlanta Sewer Separation Project, Atlanta, Georgia: design of approximately 60,000 linear feet (18,300 meters) of new sanitary and storm sewers for the separation of combined sewers in the Stockade Drainage Basin. The project involved inspection of existing sewers and the preparation of preliminary and final construction plans for parallel sanitary sewer lines. Parsons Brinckerhoff's services included permitting, geotechnical investigations, real-estate acquisition, surveys and public involvement. Design engineer responsible for preliminary horizontal layout. (15905) Prior to joining Parsons Brinckerhoff Mr. Dirton participated on the following projects:


Job Skills
