I truly desire to find a job that I can love again. I seek a renewal of my comviction to help people. I have done Home Health (setting up an office for remote monitoring of Uterine Contractions, the first in Tucson), I made contacts with physicians, the agent at AHCCCS and many outreach programs. At this point in my career, I want more than anything to branch out into hospice or end of life care. My mother died eleven years ago, a portion of time to me that was confusing, grief filled and was, to me more grief filled than I ever imagined possible. I was offered counseling but at the time did not (through my own arrogance as a nurse). I have come to understand that this was not offered out of pity, but from the experience of losing, and surviving the death of a much beloved family member, and indeed learning to thrive for the memory of that person. My goal is to help others to learn that life is a continuum from birth, through death, and perhaps beyond. The greatest Memorial that we can give is to promote what our mothers or fathers, sisters or brothers or others believed in the most..To "Pay it Forward", in honor to their memories, goals, plans and dreams. It is one of my truest goals, and all I want is an opportunity to help others who are in the same fog filled grief in which I found myself. I want to help others get through their grief and move ahead to the life that is desired by all of our families, both antecedents or descendants.

Work Experience

Social Media
Website | Nursing reviews | media url | AJN, and other nurse sites, including articles, concerns within our community, updates on education, etc. I cannot remember how many I am able to log into. |

Icannotremember, I've been on nursing so long! I have served in giving/hosting presentations, inservices (both products and education of policies/procedures) working on commitees for credentialing ladders, and policies and procedures. I have written a "how to" serve one hospitals surgeons when we had to meld or surgical floor with out medical floor so the medical nurses would be able to know our surgeons particular wishes for their various types of procedures (post operatively, NOT for the O.R. or Recovery Room).Companies I like:
Casa De Luz, Peppy's house, other hospice or hospice home health services.

Job Skills

