Combine Master’s Degree in Economics, 8 years experience in Professional Sales and Team Player skills with experience (15 years) as a Building Engineer to a company that is large enough and professional enough to see the benefits of hiring a on-site financial analyst/building engineer. With current on-going training for N.A.T.E Certification, 3 to 5 ton commercial HVAC Water Source Heat Pump units, boiler room operations with the latest training in “ABS” Automated Building Systems, combined with over 15 years of production plant and building engineer’s experience. It is my objective to MAXIMISE your investor’s money. Working over eight years with insurance companies, mortgage company and property managers of a multitude of size properties I am willing and able to step up and meet your company’s demands for an educated, professional dress, professional attitude and professional team player. To find hidden areas of waste, others without my years of experience, “Overlook” and find your unique solution. The BIG wasters of money are obvious, I am sure most of them have been found, it is the multitude of small but salient waste that add to the bottom line, hidden and obscured. It is the unique combination of skills that I bring to the table that will make my employment with your company profitable for you.

